Muichiro caught.. the what?

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Hello everyone!  I dont think ill be able to upload anything next week- ive got like two tests that will be the base of my grade and then an extra one. Ill be quite busy. But at least ill get this out to you all before that! Anyway lets get on with it!


Rengokus POV: 

"Muichiro caught.. the what?" I aksed. A virus? i dont remember any virus. Is it something i would worry about? She does seem quite stressed and paniked about it.. so maybe.. "what virus? what are we talking about?" I asked and tapped her shoulder. "do you not remember the new virus going around recently?" Tengen had asked, standing behind me. I looked at him with a questioning glance, tilting my head to the side. "is it something i should remember?" I asked. "great! muichiro is very sick and now your having memory loss! this day cant get ANY worse!" I heard Shinobu say. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me along. I didnt protest. Tengen followed as he had been all day but much closer. 

She pulled me into a room at the mansion and forcefully sat me down on one of the beds. I just blinked. Was she really THIS stressed? was Muichiros condition really this bad for her to be this way? And why cant i remember anything that the others seem to. It.. frustrates me. Did i hit my head or something? i mean i did fall or something from what Tengen told me but.. No. Tengen had caught him apperantly before hitting the ground from what i knew. And i dont remember hitting my head anywhere.. and if i did Tengen would have said or done something since hes been following me all day..  This is all making my head  hurt.. or maybe my head hurt from the start? I do remember a head ache. 

Shinobu had examined me. She said nothing seemed wrong except the low blood sugar. I still dont understand how. "You seem fine. No sighns of head trauma or any kind of damage. I dont understand why you cant remember the virus" Shinobu grumbled. Tengen had been forced to leave a while ago. Shinobu didnt want him around. "can i get an explination please" i asked but she was to caught up in work to notice. Eventually, to both mine and Shinobud suprise, Tengen burst into the room. His headband was in his hand and he was panting. "what a-" shinobu couldn't finish her sentacne. "no time. We have got a problem. Rather big one in fact" Tengen said quickly. "Tengen? what seems to be the matter?" i asked. Tengen sighed.

"Mitsuri came down with the virus" 

Hello! hope you all liked it! it is very short but i am sleepy so this what i can make. Anyway i hope you all enjoy it. i wont leave a long note here. If any of you want to leave ideas that id be happy to read and coment ^^

Good afternoon/night/day!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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