" 04|Veiled Entanglements "

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4| Veiled Entanglements

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4| Veiled Entanglements

Disclaimer : This chapter contains 18+ content. Do not proceed if uncomfortable!

Abhimanyu and Priya sat at a corner table in a quaint cafe, surrounded by the subtle hum of conversations and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Priya sipped her latte while Abhimanyu stirred his tea, a comfortable atmosphere enveloping them.

"So, Priya, I've been curious about your connection with Naina. You two seemed really close",said Abhimanyu. He gave her a faint smile. Priya looked up at Abhimanyu. She sighed and said, " Yes, we were. Naina and I had this amazing bond. I met at Mr Raichand's party for the first time. You see, I'm an architect. One of the finest ones. Naina wanted me to design her studio. She was a lovely person"

Abhimanyu leaned in, his eyes reflecting genuine interest. Abhimanyu said, "That sounds intriguing. What about 'Manzil Ki Raahein'? I heard something special about it"

"Oh, yes. One day, we were hanging out at my place, and I asked Naina to teach me the piano. Naina's eyes lit up, and she suggested, "I really want to sing for 'Manzil Ki Raahein.' It's my dream to be part of that film."

"Did she get the chance?"

"No, unfortunately. She was about to sign the movie, but her sudden demise changed everything",said Priya. She took another sip of her latte, as if to clear the lump forming in her throat.

"I am sorry."

The cozy cafe buzzed with activity as Akshara spotted Abhimanyu engrossed in conversation with a beautiful girl named Priya. A pang of jealousy shot through her, and she approached the table.

"Abhimanyu," she said sweetly, "Who's your new friend?" Abhimanyu was surprised and asked, "Akshara, why are you here?" Akshara, still seething, wasn't satisfied. She continued to talk to Priya with thinly veiled rudeness, implying that Abhi was off-limits.

Priya, with a furrowed brow, tried to diffuse the tension, "Hey, I didn't mean to intrude. I'll leave you two alone." Before Priya could make a graceful exit, Akshara cut in sharply, "Yeah, you better."

As Priya left in frustration, Abhimanyu shot Akshara a frustrated look. "Akshara, you've completely misunderstood the situation. Priya and I were discussing a personal matter. You didn't have to be so harsh."

Akshara, now realizing the gravity of her actions, sighed. "I just didn't like seeing you with someone else."

Abhimanyu shook his head, "Akshara....stay away from things which don't bother you". Akshara looked into his eyes, meeting his eyes with the same intensity. She said, "Things which involve you matter the most to me, Abhi"

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