Chapter 12

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It was really hard not to run up to Claire, push her up against a wall, and kiss her. It literally took everything in me not to. She was so funny, cute, nice, and beautiful. It really sucked that the boys hated me at the moment, and it looked like Claire hated me as well. I must say that she looks like she could be a very good actress. At the moment she was at the bar with Harry and Niall. Liam and Danielle were in a booth with Zayn.

Me? Where am I, you ask. Let's see. I am currently at standing at the entrance to the VIP area hoping that Claire would turn and look at me. I saw her sit up straighter and I could hear her infectious laugh from the other side of the club.

Just as I was ready to give up, a waitress walked by. I grabbed one of the drinks and quickly finished it; the burning liquid rushing down my throat.


 Every few minutes I would find myself glancing over at Louis. I watched as he walked over to the bar with Zayn and ordered some sort of shot. I saw him downing it and looked around before anyone could catch me looking at him. It was really a bother not being able to spend time with him, but the risk was losing my job. 

"I saw you, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone. You can trust me to keep a secret. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but you guys would make an awfully cute couple." I looked at Niall after he finished talking and just gaped. I thought no one saw me.

"But... Wait, okay. I trust you and I think I should tell you what really happened." I whispered back to the blonde haired, Irish boy.

"Um... Okay? I think. Do you want to talk now or later?"

"Now, but can we please get away from Harry. He's had one too many drinks and he's really bothering me." We laughed as we walked somewhere quieter and I noticed Louis looking at me funny. I quickly looked down and followed Niall out the door.

"Okay, so now would you like to explain?"

"Sure." I sighed and began the story. I started from last year when Simon discovered me to the dinner where everything went awry. He looked at me for a minute before speaking.

"So basically what you're trying to say is that you like Louis, Louis likes you, but you guys can't be together because Simon basically threatened to fire you?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, pretty much. It sucks because, even though I met him not that long ago, I really like him and I'd want to get to know him better." I spilled to Niall.

"I totally get that. In my opinion, I think you two should definitely try to sneak around. Simon isn't evil, he just wants what's best for you. He probably thinks it would be a distraction for you and Louis to be together while touring together. You need to somehow prove him wrong without making him mad and I think that I could get some people to help. First you need to tell me who knows about this?"

"My best friends Mallory and Aaron. They live back in the UK but are going to visit in March before the tour ends.  And I have one more thing I have to tell you but you have to swear on your career that you will not tell a single soul. Especially none of the boys!" He promised he wouldn't and urged me to continue. "Okay, so, um, this is really hard to tell you."

"Go on." He said encouragingly.

"My real name isn't Claire and I'm not a blonde."

"Excuse me, what? I don't think I heard you right. Please repeat that."

"I said, I'm not Claire Meyers and I'm actually a brunette. My real name is Drew. I'm still the same girl with the same personality, just a different name and hair color."

"Why though?" He didn't look angry, just confused.

"I hated the spotlight. I hated all the attention celebrities got and no privacy. I couldn't stand that and I didn't want to have to get a private tutor. I wanted to stay in school and still be myself, along with performing. Whenever I go on tour, my classmates think that I'm visiting my aunt and uncle in Australia for two or three months. All the teachers and administrators at my school know about Claire because they send me my weekly work and they're the ones that give me the permission to leave school. Everyone working at Syco also knows and everyone that is part of my team. Lou was transferred to me because she had already had some experience with wigs and she knew more than what most people knew. We work together and I create my own outfits. I didn't want anyone telling me what to wear because I like my own style. Danielle, Perrie, and Ed know as well but I asked them not to tell anyone. You're the only one that knows what happened with Louis though."

"Wow, that's a lot to take in but I sure as hell won't tell anyone what you told me. But I think you should tell Danielle what really happened because she can tell you what you should do." 

"Thanks so much Niall. I trust you and can tell that we'll be good friends." We both leaned in for a hug and started heading back inside.

"By the way, um, I was wondering, um, if maybe your friend is single?" He nervously asked and I started laughing.

"She has a boyfriend but I don't really like him that much and neither does Aaron. If anything happens I'll totally let you know. I think you guys would make a cute couple." I winked at him as we made it back to our table in the VIP lounge. 


I'm so totally sorry for the sucky and short chapter and not updating like AT ALL.... I've just been really busy and otally out of it this summer and I'm sorry. I want to get back to writing finally before school starts. I still have swimming but that's at 5:30 am and 4:30 pm so I have time. I'm so sorry for not updating for so long but I'm going to start updating again. Probably one or 2 updates a week on each story until the last week of August. It all depends on everything I guess.

xx, Emily

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