Day 1 - Work

106 3 9

6:00 AM
3 Days left to make profit quota

I'm awakened by the ship jolting and moving around sporadically. I get up from what's practically the floor and move to the back of the ship. The door opens and I can see the ship descending onto the planets surface. "What a shit hole" Malik says from behind me. I turn around to face him and behind him I can see Astrid putting on her boots and Jakob still laying in bed. Malik turns around to look at the other and then back to me. "Well at least half of us are ready" he says to me in an annoyed tone. "C'mon it's the first day, can't blame anyone for being a bit off their game" I say to him.

"Yeah I guess as long as I'm not doing all the work then I don't care as much" he tell me as he walks back over to to the bunks. "Get up we got work to do" he tells Jakob as he starts shaking him. Jakob groans and starts to get out of bed. "Look I know to you this probably doesn't mean much but some of us need to get payed so don't keep us waiting" Malik says to him before walking off to the terminal. "Sorry if I kept you guys waiting" Astrid says to me as she comes up beside me.

"No no your fine, I think he was just talking about Jakob" I tell her. We hear their footsteps behind us and we both move to out of the way, each going to a different side of the ship. "We all ready now?" Malik asks everyone. "Yeah we're set" I tell him. To my surprise Astrid is the first one to exit the ship. From what I see she comes off as the shy type. The rest of us get off the ship and we start walking to the entrance as a group.

"So when they said collect scrap do they just mean literally anything?" Jakob asks. "I guess so, but I'm sure they'd prefer things of actual value" I answer. "So let's just focus on getting the most valuable stuff" Malik says. Like usual Astrid is keeping to herself. We aren't walking for long until we come across a ladder. "Lady's first" I to Astrid jokingly. She looks at me concerned before beginning to climb the ladder. It was meant to be a joke, hope she doesn't feel like she has to do everything that we say. We're all new here.

I climb up after her and what looks like the main entrance is already in sight. We gather around the entrance and the atmosphere becomes tense. "I guess I'll go first this time" I tell everyone as I grab the door handle. Ok, nothing to be afraid of. Just picking up rubbish on an abandoned moon. I open the door and enter the building. There's lights inside but half of them aren't working, causing there to be light in some places but darkness in others. Behind comes Astrid then Malik and then Jakob. "This place gives me the creeps" Malik says to us. He walks into the middle of the room and looks at the 3 different doorways.

"So which way do we go?" He asks. "If we split up we'll cover more ground" Astrid suggests. We all look around at each other, I'm not sure if it was because it sounded like a bad idea or if we were all just surprised by her suggesting something so boldly. "I mean couldn't hurt right?" I ask. "It could but let's try it" Jakob says. We all stand there silently waiting for someone to choose a partner or arrange groups. "Y:N and I can take the right door" Astrid says as she walks over to the right doorway. "Uh yeah, sure, Jakob and I will take the left then".

We split up and I walk down a hallway with Astrid. "You seem more confident now" I say to her. "I just, it's part of the job, I guess" she says nervously as if I just called her out on something. "I guess we call this scrap" I say to her as I pick up a V-type engine. "Isn't that heavy?" She asks me. "Surprisingly light actually" I tell her. She walks around the room a bit and she comes across a crate full of bottles. "Is this worth taking? It doesn't seem as valuable or useful as an engine" she says to me. "Might as well, doesn't seem like there's really much here to take" I tell her. She picks it up and we start walking back to the main door. I wonder why she asked to pair up with me. I'm most definitely overthinking it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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