The five Messiahs

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As the tour from one Olumpos kingdom to the next draws to a close , it's time for Queen Motherland Europe , Oceania , Asia , Afrikka and America to bring the Thea Sisters , Cardinal Elemental , Vanilla Girls , Dina and Tanya to the palace in Europe Kingdom . As they arrived at the Queen's , five women stood before them, each holding a box wrapped in cloth . Europe turned to the Thea Sisters.

Europe: Girls , go and get changed . My servants will guide you to the bathroom where you can change .

The five girls were puzzled at first , but obeyed . They took the boxes and followed the five maids . They led them to a grand staircase , then to a huge corridor that was strangely familiar to Colette , Nicky , Paulina , Pamela and Violet . Yet , ever since their arrival in Olumpos , the Thea Sisters and their friends had never ceased to experience a strange sense of déjà-vu , or even of having lived here before . And the divinities they met along the way felt as if they'd knew them here before , but all preferred to keep quiet to avoid discomfort . The five girls arrived at a white door , and one of the servants who had accompanied them opened it for them .

Servant: This way , ladies .

Pamela , Violet , Colette , Paulina and Nicky entered the bathroom one by one . The maids closed the door and waited for the five friends to change . Paulina was the first to unwrap the mysterious box , and was surprised to discover its contents . Pamela hurried to unwrap hers , Nicky , Colette and Violet did the same . Their eyes widened as they , in turn , discovered the contents of their box . Meanwhile , on the first floor , the others waited for their friends to return . Queen Motherland Europe spoke first .

Europe: Kids , there are so many things you need to know about your superpowers.... and your mission on Earth .

Tanya: Yes , the Thea Sisters told us a little about our powers . But my queen...they also told us about a certain mission and now that you want to tell us...what kind of mission exactly do we have to accomplish ?

Dina: Professor Rattcliff and her friends told us about five messiahs who would come to Earth to bring salvation to the rodents . Was there a link with our objective ?

Europe: I can see that the visit didn't totally bring back some of your memories . That's okay , we'll talk to you about it anyway . Listen very carefully .

Dina and the others are all ready to listen .

Europe : ''When Evil reaches its peak in the hearts and minds of the Rodenity , it triggers the wrath of the Gods...As the Rodents declare war on each other...''

Afrikka : '' The Gods send warning signs...The elements are unleashed , creating natural disasters...Plants no longer provide enough food , causing famine...Animals flee and disappear...The stars fall....''

Oceania : ''...It was then that an angel was sent and blew its trumpet five times in the sky...At the first sound , a luminous being descended , riding on a giant turtle . Her name is Hope...''

Afrikka : ''...At the second sound of the trumpet , a second luminous and robust being appeared , riding on a lion . Her name is Force . Her cry for justice is like the roar of a lion dominating its territory...''.

Asia : ''...At the third sound , a third luminous being appeared in the sky , holding a musical instrument and riding a dragon . She is called Harmony...''

America : ''With the fourth sound , a fourth luminous being descended from heaven riding a snake . She is Happiness...''

Europe : ''At the fifth and last sound of the trumpet , appeared the fifth dazzling being mounted on a unicorn . She is called Love . Her light is the greatest and purest of all . These five flamboyant, beautiful and loving deities are messiahs sent by the divine world to restore balance and purify the corrupted heart of the rodent . Whoever believes in them , will receive blessing , will not perish and will have eternal life''.

Vic: And these messiahs are...

Europe : Yes...

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