My alpha daddy😍😘🤗

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Owen uwu pov:

While I was eating my sandwich that's too big for my wittle smoll bean hands 👉👈 I heard Zander pookie bean growling I shrugged it off knowing he runs on all fours and plays wolfies often.

Until I felt big strong man hands pinning me to the ground 😱 hot breath that smelt like piss and shit water combined breathed on my neck that's how I knew it was Zander cause he doesn't brush his teeth.... "P-p-p-pookie please you're hurting me"

"YOU'RE MINE AND ONLY MINE" the Alpha voice spoke above me... oh no ITS HIS TRUE FORM..


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"PLEASE YOU'RE HURTING ME DADDY..." Suddenly the big man hands flew off of me "HUHHHHHHHHHHH~" I sighed a breath of relief being able to breathe again was like the coffee shop daddy's hot chapped lips kissing me.

"I hurt you... HOW COULD I🤬" Zander started hitting himself in the chest repeatedly and ripping out his alpha fur screaming out cause he hurt me...

"S-stop daddy" my smoll bean hands took his "this isn't you... look at me 😖" I stared into his bright pacific blue orbs and he slowly started changing back to his normal self...

"I-I'm sorry... I just thought we had something together but I WAS WRONG😩"

"But Pookie we do have something... friendship 😍" he nodded and we want back into the living room and snuggled the rest of the night my smoll head buried into his big manly chest..


To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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