seven - fuck!

305 16 8

Sunday, March 23, 1986

Night had fallen by the time Steve parked the car in the Hawkins High parking lot, and this made you realize how much time you had passed just brainstorming and driving around. It was probably better to break into Ms.Kelley's office while it was dark outside anyway – you came to an agreement with Steve in the car that what you were doing was in fact a break-in, but it was less incriminating because you had the keys – so that nobody would see you nor even be in the area when you'd do it. Just as you passed the front door of the school, and as you were worrying about Lucas and wondering if Nancy and Robin had managed to find something this afternoon, the walkie screeches and Robin's voice comes out of it.

"Dustin, do you copy?"

"Yeah, I copy," your friend answers as you walk through the deserted corridors.

"So, Nancy's a genius," you nod at Robin's words in agreement. "Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye."

Well, you had no idea what this meant, but surely that was a great advancement.

"Okay, that's, uh, totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now."

"What are you doing?"

"Breaking and entering into school to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files."

"Can you repeat that?"

"Just get your ass over here, stat. We'll explain everything." Dustin ends the transmission as you reach Ms. Kelley's office, Max using the keys she legally borrowed to open the door. You discreetly slide into the room, closing the door behind you without a noise. Dustin lets out a muffled chuckle next to you as Max heads straight for the drawer entitled 'student files', searching through it. You head over to her to look over her shoulder as your brother and his friend yet again start talking. "It's like a mini-Watergate or something. Hawkinsgate."

"Wait a second, didn't these guys get caught?"

"Holy shit," Max and you say at the same time, sharing a gaze as her browsing comes to a stop at an unexpectedly familiar name on one of the files.

"You found it?" Steve walks over to you.

"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file," Max gets two folders out of the drawer, handing one to you. "Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley too."

"Maybe... Maybe she's working with Vecna or something?" You wonder out loud, opening Chrissy's file. "Or, like, is there a way she could be Vecna? A possession or something?"

"I don't know," Dustin shrugs, taken aback. "In D&D-"

"Yeah, well this isn't D&D," Steve interrupts him. "It can't be just a coincidence." He seemed even more worried now, even restless. "Maybe she's working with him, or maybe that Vecna guy is just targeting her patients."

"And you..." Dustin points his flashlight at both Max and you, blinding you for a minute. You glare at him. "Are her patients."

"It doesn't mean anything," Max reasons. "Maybe Vecna's targeting fragile people. People he can trick more easily. Of course mentally fragile people are going to need therapy."

"Yeah," you nod, setting the file on the desk in front of you. "Ms. Kelley might actually be a coincidence. But it's a happy one because we can compare Chrissy's and Fred's files now. Search for similarities, and maybe find out some kind of modus operandi. Right?" You look up at them, ,in particular at Steve who was watching you with wide, anxious eyes now that the risk of you being one of Vecna's potential targets was higher. You shake your head and try to offer him a reassuring smile; to be awfully honest, you didn't care about this in this moment, you only craved to find more on your opponent and his victims. "Right?" You repeat, this time turning to Dustin who nods.

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