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     "Mom, how much longer do I have to stay here." I look at my mom, tears streaming down her face. Dad isn't here like always. I've been stuck in this bed since as long as I can remember. The people in the white coats are always talking to my mom but they never tell me anything. They also make my mom cry. My mom holding my hand as she cries. I never knew why she cries. "Mom, when I get out of here can we go to the beach?"

"Yes, baby we can." Her shaky voice ringing through my ears. I never liked when people cried it always makes me sad.


     It's been weeks since I asked how much longer. Every time I ask how much longer mom just cries.


     "Mom, why are you crying?" I've been feeling tired these past few days. Right now the people with white coats are around me as my mom holds my hand. It's getting harder to breathe. Most of the people leave. There's only one left in the with me and my mom. "...mom..."

"Shh, it's alright baby. Momma's here." She runs her hand on my forehead, pushing back my hair.

I wanted to say more but I couldn't. Everything felt heavy. I feel really tired. The room is getting darker. The last thing I saw was my weeping mother.

"Mom? Im scared." I try to say but nothing comes out.


"Oh, poor child."

"Will the waters accept them?"

"I don't know, dear. Should we send them to Teyvat?"

"Teyvat? Why there?"

"We can put them in Fontaine and they can see a whole nation of water and not just an ocean."

"Hmm... fine... but they will need some sort of protection."; "Why are you look at me like that..."


"Ugh, I hate my job." A duck... says? He is sitting next to an unconscious child, waiting for them to wake up. The pair is located in an underwater cavern. "She could have at least teleported us somewhere with people. But now that I look at this child they do look different from their previous life. Hmm... their appearance now would draw unwanted attention." The duck walks over to the messenger bag that was teleported along side the duo. The bag contained a set of clothes, for the child to change into when they wake up, and a leather journal. The duck hears movement and turns towards the child that's waking up.

"Hmm..." The child rubbed their eyes as they sit up. Once they adjust to the lighting of the cavern, they look around. "Where... where am I?"

Child of The OceanWhere stories live. Discover now