The Helping Dead

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"Maybe that's not true," I said. I went outside and put a hand on Mrs. O'Leary's muzzle, rubbing the poor dog. Chiron had bandaged her paw, but she was still limping. Her fur was matted with mud, leaves, pizza slices, and dried monster blood.

"Hey, girl." I whispered to the giant dog. "I know you're exhausted. But I've got one stupid idea and huge favor left to ask of you." I leaned into her ear and whispered my plan. It was a last gasp, but when you're running out of air, another breath is the only thing you can think of.

After Mrs. O'Leary shadow-traveled away, I rejoined Annabeth and Percy in the lobby. On the way to the elevator, we spotted Grover kneeling over a fat wounded satyr. "Leneus." I said in disbelief.

He looked awful. His lips were blue, like they were freezing, and there was a broken spear in his belly. His goat legs were twisted and turned at a disturbing angle. I don't know if it was acute, or obtuse, but I didn't like it.

He tried to focus on us, but I don't think he saw us. "Grover?" he murmured. "I'm here, Leneus." Grover was blinking back tears, despite all the horrible things Leneus had said about him. "Did... did we win?"

"Um... yes," Grover lied. "Thanks to you, Leneus. We drove the enemy away."

"Told you," the old satyr mumbled. "True leader. True..." He closed his eyes for the last time. Grover gulped. He put his hand on Leneus's forehead and spoke an ancient blessing. The old satyr's body melted, until all that was left was a tiny sapling m a pile of fresh soil.

"A laurel," Grover said in awe. "Oh, that lucky old goat." He gathered up the sapling in his hands. "I... I should plant him. In Olympus, in the gardens."

"We're going that way now," I said. "Come on."

In the elevator, there was a Muzak version of Queen's song, "The show Must Go on." I've heard the song a couple times before, and if we weren't charging headfirst into our deaths, I might have tapped my foot or something.

I thought about when I'd first visited Mount Olympus, a handful of years ago. The camp had come here on a field trip of sorts, but I told myself I wasn't leaving until I figured out who my parent was.

My whole life up to that point, I'd been neglected by the gods. Being on Olympus, I figured I could rectify the issue. Though, it certainly didn't help. If anything, it made my life worse.

I'd honestly rather go through that again than whatever was about to go on in here. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover weren't here then. Now they were, and I was thankful for it. And I had an awful feeling that it might be the last time the four of us would be together.

"Y/N," Annabeth said quietly. "You were right about Luke." It was the first time she'd spoken since Silena Beauregard's death. She kept her eyes fixed on the elevator floors as they blinked into the magical numbers: 400, 450, 500.

Percy, Grover, and I exchanged glances. "Annabeth," I said. "I'm sorry-"

"You tried to tell me." Her voice was shaky. "Luke is no good. I didn't believe you until... until I heard how he'd used Silena. Now I know. I hope you're happy."

I pulled her close. Or at least I tried to, but she squirmed in my grip. "I'm not happy about this. I just want this to be over." I swallowed a lump in my throat. She wouldn't meet my eyes.

Grover cradled his laurel sapling in his hands. "Well... sure good to be together again. Arguing. Almost dying. Abject terror. Oh, look. It's our floor."

The doors dinged and we stepped onto the aerial walkway.

[Percy's POV]

Depressing is not a word that usually describes Mount Olympus, but it looked that way now. No fires lit the braziers. The windows were dark. The streets were deserted and the doors were barred. The only movement was in the parks, which had been set up as field hospitals.

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