Unusual Reinforcements

Start from the beginning

"Yeah," said Owen from South Dakota. He wore a black leather jacket and an old WWII army helmet. "We totally wasted them!" Chiron patted Owen on the back.

"You did well, my friends, but don't get careless. Kronos should never be underestimated. Now why don't you visit the diner on West 33rd and get some breakfast? I hear the Delaware chapter found a stash of root beer."

"Root beer!" They almost trampled each other as they galloped off. Chiron smiled. Annabeth gave him a big hug, and Mrs. O'Leary licked his face. "Ack," he grumbled. "Enough of that, dog. Yes, I'm glad to see you too."

The centaur looked me over with worry, before laying a hand on my shoulder gently. I grunted as he took my ankle in his hand, holding it up as he pulled a roll of bandages from one of his bags. He rubbed some magic salve over me and my ankle snapped harshly into place. Then, he wrapped bandages tightly around it, settling the joint.

Even still, it felt wrong to be sitting still right now. We're in the middle of the war and I'm not fighting.

I could barely bring myself to breathe right now. I thought killing Orion might relieve the tension in my body, but if anything, it only made it worse.

"Chiron, thanks," Percy said, pulling his attention away from me. "Talk about saving the day." He shrugged, snipping the bandages and finishing the makeshift brace. "I'm sorry it took so long. Centaurs travel fast, as you know. We can bend distance as we ride. Even so, getting all the centaurs together was no easy task. The Party Ponies are not exactly organized."

"How'd you get through the magic defenses around the city?" Annabeth asked. "They slowed us down a bit," Chiron admitted, "but I think they're intended mostly to keep mortals out. Kronos doesn't want puny humans getting in the way of his great victory."

"So maybe other reinforcements can get through," I said hopefully. Chiron stroked his beard. "Perhaps, though time is short. As soon as Kronos regroups, he will attack again. Without the element of surprise on our side..."

Kronos wasn't beaten by a long shot. Even I could have figured that out. My toe still stung. Even through a shoe it felt like I had kicked a cinderblock wall with my bare foot. Thankfully, I had the awareness to kick him with my other foot and not tear my ankle off the bone.

I was somewhat hoping though, that Kronos had been squashed under the giant's big blue butt. But I also knew deep down that something like that wouldn't happen. We couldn't possibly be that lucky at any point.

"And Typhon?" I asked. Chiron's face darkened.

"The gods are tiring. Dionysus was incapacitated yesterday. Typhon smashed his chariot, and the wine god went down somewhere in the Appalachians. No one has seen him since. Hephaestus is out of action as well. He was thrown from the battle so hard he created a new lake in West Virginia." Chiron shuddered.

"He will heal, but not soon enough to help. The others still fight. They've managed to slow Typhon's approach. But the monster can not be stopped. He will arrive in New York by this time tomorrow. Once he and Kronos combine forces-"

"Erebus?" I whispered. Chiron's expression turned more to terror. "Your mother and uncle have been keeping him from full power, but I am not sure how long they can keep fighting. I doubt that he sides with Kronos, so time can only tell what will happen if he reaches Olympus unimpeded."

My heart jumped into my throat. That bile just kept building. My hands were shaking. I let out a heavy breath from my nose. "Then what chance do we have? If they make it here. There's no way we can hold on for another day. If he can get to the throne room, cover it in shadow, then it doesn't matter what Kronos does."

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