Uncomfortable Truths

Start from the beginning

"You've tainted my lady's name by being here! You've done nothing but ruin her immortal life since you were born!" Y/N's expression changed from furious, to blank. "I would change so much about myself if I could. I want nothing to do with 'your lady'. I couldn't care less that she's in danger right now. I'm here for Annabeth. That's it. Artemis can rot for all I care."

Thalia had to grab Zoe by the arms to keep her from trying to stab Y/N again. She hurled more insults his way. He started laughing. Weakly, and shakily, he chuckled, until that turned into soft cries.

"I mean, what do you want me to say? You want me to say I wish I hadn't been born? Just to save you lady's legacy? Is that what you want to hear, Zoe?" his voice sounded pained and cracked.

His words were so poignant, even Zoe paused in concern. Tears were free falling from Y/N's eyes now, as he stared at his shaking hands. "Because I do... I have for... for a while." he croaked.

He shook his head and wheezed sad laughter. "Since I was born, I've been cursed! With this prophecy, with a mother who wants me dead, and this fucking monster stuck inside of me! I didn't ask for this! I didn't want this! And it's people like you that make me regret not following through last year."

He went stiff, almost looking like he didn't mean to say that. But he kept talking anyway. It was like a flood of words. "You know, I almost did it... I almost put everyone's misery to rest. But you know what? I couldn't! I tried, and I failed."

His whole body was shaking now. "The demon wouldn't let me. I would've tried again since it's locked away. But someone showed me that I was wanted. Annabeth made me realize maybe I shouldn't just give up! I mean, yeah I'm probably just destined to die in some horrific fashion, so I figured why keep Hades waiting? Why go through all the pain! But she kept me going through all of this, and you want me to what?! You want me to just forget about her?! Just- just you can go on this quest without me?! I can't do that!"

Tears were streaming down his face. This felt like something that had been building for a while. Y/N was always good at hiding his actual emotions, but this time it just spilled over. He couldn't take it anymore. It shocked us. No one could say anything. He never told any of us about this.

"All I wanted to do is go on this quest and save her. But you had to make it personal. What problem do you have with me!?"

Zoe was stunned. She even looked remorseful. So were the rest of us. Thalia tried to reach out a hand, saying "Y/N-"

But he just swatted her hand away, whimpering, "No, Thalia. No..." he shuddered, and glared a sad hole through Zoe. "I don't get what I've done to make you and so many people mad at me for just being alive. Maybe I could change your mind. If you'd just give me a chance!"

"Then again..." he wheezed. "If everyone wants me to go, maybe I just should." He gave a fake, wheezing laugh, and turned slowly to the other side of the car, loading into a spacious limousine. "Save them the trouble." he choked out as he slammed the car door shut.

Thalia called out, "Y/N, wait!" Grover put a hand on her shoulder, and stared worriedly at him. I turned to Zoe. "What the hell is your problem!" I asked. Thalia glared at her. "He's done nothing to you, and you treat him like this! There's no good reason for you to act this way!"

"It isn't my problem." Zoe staggered, in disbelief at what had just happened, turning to face us. "It is Artemis'. She-" Grover bleated in annoyance. "Why?! What could he have done?! Do you not see what this is doing to him!!" Zoe sighed, looking down in shame. "I'm forbidden from telling."

Thalia scoffed. "You're only forbidden from telling him! You said that." she said. Zoe bit the inside of her lip cautiously. "Artemis... My lady. She was supposed to be a maiden eternally. Then... she wasn't."

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