she could faintly hear the shouts of her name and she knew she would probably be called a diva once filming this movie was all over but she couldn't care less. as soon as she got in her trailer she locked it behind her and looked at her phone once again to double check what she saw.

her body ran cold once the contact name displayed on her screen and she debated on whether or not she should answer before ultimately taking a deep breath and accepting lifting the phone to her ear.


"mickey mouse! it's so good to hear from you, how have you been sweetheart?"

mikayla shut her eyes, cringing at the nickname. "i've been okay, dad." she clears her throat, "how are you?"

"oh, me? i've been good! yeah, i've just been missing you, you know. a-and i've been seeing you on tv and everything. you look beautiful." he compliments. "absolutely gorgeous. you look just like your mom. have you heard from her in awhile? i think im still blocked."

mikayla frowns at how fidgety his voice sounded. "no, i haven't spoken to her. in a few years actually." she lets out an awkward laugh, "think she blocked me too."

he laughs along. "well, you know your mother."

"um, why did you call me?"

"can't a dad just call his only daughter? i missed you mickey mouse! you should come and visit, i don't really have a place right now im crashing at a friends but once i get everything sorted i would love to see you. ill even decorate your room with, uh, what's that thing you use to like? it was the cat."

mikayla felt tears well up in her eyes. "hello kitty."

"yes! that's the one." he laughs snapping his fingers. "i was wondering if you could send me some money for a place."

mikayla knew it was coming. but, still it didn't make it any less painful. it hurt knowing her own father was on the streets especially with how much she fought to get him safely off the streets and clean.

when she rented him an apartment he got evicted, when she bought him a house he ended up using it as a trap and got thrown in jail, when she sent him to three different rehab centers in a span of six months all he did was relapse as soon as he got out.

she eventually gave up over time and the guilt always ate at her. mikayla was all he had and she knew that and still abandoned him.

"i don't know, dad."

"i know what you're thinking but im better now, really, i am! mickie mouse, please." his voice got a little quieter. "i just need some money to get back on my feet and then you can come, right?"

"fuck." she mutters sniffling as tears rolled down her cheeks as she nodded. "mhm, yeah okay dad. i got you."

"oh, thank you! thank you so much. i love you so much, more than anything in the world. you know that, right?"

mikayla bit harshly on her bottom lip to help keep her sobs at bay. "i know, dad. i know. i love you too but i-uh, i gotta go, okay? but ill send some money over right now."

"okay! i love you mickie mouse. go get em!"

with that mikayla hung up and her lips trembled, no longer being able to keep her tears from spilling over she took a seat on the couch and buried her face in her hands as sobs over wracked her body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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