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mikayla got up around 8 am to get ready for the complex shoe shopping video she had with angus and javon. she was almost done, just finishing up the final touches of her makeup.

angus had texted her letting her know he was gonna pick her up and she simply left him on read, still upset from their previous night.

mikayla made sure she had everything before heading downstairs. she rolled her eyes seeing angus sitting on her couch waiting patiently for her.

when angus saw her he simply lifted up the copy of her house key that she had given him. "mornin'. you sleep good?"

"i slept fine. you?" she asks walking into the kitchen and opening her snack cabinet for a breakfast bar.

"been tossin' and turnin' all night to be honest wit' you." angus stands up making his way over to her and he could feel her tense up under his touch when he placed his hand on her waist. "you gonna ignore me the whole day?" he asks placing his face in the crook of her neck kissing the skin softly, " to me mickie."

"what am i doing right now? i'm talking to you. now, leave me alone." she removed herself out his hold ignoring his sigh as he followed after her out the house.

"javon gon' meet us there." angus spoke once they got in the car.

mikayla nods her head in acknowledgment. she places her bag at her feet and a crumbled up sheet of paper catches her eye, grabbing it to ball the wrapper to her snack with it she notices angus tense up slightly making her furrow her eyebrows.

"what's wrong with you?"


mikayla moves her hand away when he tried reaching for the paper. "give it here mikayla."

"no, why don't you want me to see it?"

"fuck." angus mutters watching her open it and scan the words before focusing his eyes on the road ahead.

mikayla let out a dark laugh reading the name on the hotel receipt. "your fucking with mariah again. are you fucking kidding me?"

mariah was the girl who had a very small stripper role on set for season 2 and whenever angus and mikayla were on a break he usually spent his nights with her. angus told mikayla he had broken it off with mariah for good but obviously that was a lie.

"it's not like that-"

"shut the fuck up!" mikayla slapped the back of his head and he tried to dodge with his unoccupied arm, "you tryna kill us both? chill the fuck out mikayla!"

"you lying piece of shit! what the fuck is her hotel receipt for three fucking days doing in your car?"

"obviously she left it in here."

mikayla tilted her head and blinked slowly, "what was she doing in your car, angus?"

"do i question you about who's in yo car?" angus asks pulling into the parking lot and taking the key out of the ignition. he turned his head to face her and that's when a loud smack was heard as mikayla's hand connected with the side of his face.

can't be friends  ꕥ angus cloudWhere stories live. Discover now