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beige again

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beige again

💚. *. ⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:*💚

authors pov


y/n plays my house by beyonce into the speakers off the sports hall. she made it on time and none if the basketballers are here yet so she can mess around for a little bit, right?

"are we ready?!" she screams out, the students who want to try out screaming and cheering out at her. "just look at my movements, yeah?"

the co-captain of the cheer squad, elena, stands next to y/n smiling out to the rest of the students. elena doesn't like y/n. she thinks that y/n's just a petty princess who got everything from her father. which we all know is incorrect as y/n's father is practically absent. the only think he gives her is money and y/n doesn't even actively use it. she works very hard for her roles and how she does things. 

elena copies y/n's dance moves with ease and rolls her eyes slightly. why is she the captain? well because the old captain chose y/n as captain, that's why. elena is just petty and jealous. 

y/n pauses the music, the students trying out looking at with her with anticipation.

"okay," y/n hums. "i see that you are all good, and see that you all have potential," 

murmurs start throughout the students trying out for cheer. the y/n l/n said they have potential? 

"but i want to spilt you up into small groups depending on age?" y/n starts. "so get into your age groups please!"


y/n looks over to elena instructed a younger boy on his back tuck. 

"um, y/n?" she turns, seeing a black girl with two space buns tapping her back. a red hair behind her. "could you help us with our aerials please?"

"sure!" y/n spots a tuff of blonde hair in the corner of her eyes. she spots lloyd walking with one of his friends, who she remembers as kai. wow, he looks amazing in a vest. y/n looks at the heart on the wrist, seeing the colour beige. again? really?

"uh y/n?"

"yes, yes. i'm sorry," y/n says, moving them over to a matt. 

"is that your boyfriend?" the red head teases, making y/n roll her eyes with a laugh. 

"no~" y/n admits. but for some reason, that made her heart heavy. why though? her and lloyd aren't friends, and they've only spoke actually about three times. "just an acquaintance i made recently,"

"well," the black girl says. "i think you guys would be really cute,"

"plus, he's looking for you," the red hair snickers, making y/n's eyes shoot up and then back down. did he see her? why did that matter?

"i will make you girls do suicides,"


"yo, y/n!" nicholas calls out, making said girls eye twitch. "we were wondering if we could use the full court because we want to do a game..."

y/n rubs her forehead in annoyance. but this means she can watch lloyd in action...

"sure," she shrugs. "soon to be cheer squad!" the young cheerers look at y/n, waiting for to speak. "i am so excited so many of you came and and showed me what you got! however, i have seen enough for now so go home and rest or watch the basketball trials that will be going on now! you all did amazing! and if you don't get picked now, there is always next year!"

the young kids cheer, letting out whistles and chants, making y/n smile and bow. now, she gets to see lloyd play.

soulmates. 𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖞𝖉 𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖌𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ