Ryu glanced at her frame in a mirror that was present, she could feel a hint of warmth radiating from her status that was hidden away.

It took several minutes to find the specific outfit she had been looking for, her room was immaculate, but it had been so long since Syr gave her it. With a small smile she began to put the outfit on.

It was the nicest thing she had to wear, she wanted to make a positive impression. It was a strapless dress top, the same sky blue as her eyes, with a set of white shorts. To top it off was the knee-high white boots. She looked down at her own figure, a soft smile caught on her lips. She looked around the room, the small room she had spent the last several years living in. "Thank you." She silently whispered, she turned and re-opened the door leading to the hall.

She slowly moved down the well cared for wooden hall, she could hear footsteps racing up from the main floor

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She slowly moved down the well cared for wooden hall, she could hear footsteps racing up from the main floor. Only one person would be approaching at a volume easily hearable with her enhanced senses. Syr quickly turned the corner and rushed Ryu wrapping her in a tight hug. "So is it true then? You're leaving us?"

The ever-emotional girl's eyes were filled with tears. "I'll be back one way or another, it might be to eat, or I might be returning and working again. It's too soon to be sure." Ryu awkwardly patted the back of Syr's head.

"Good! I don't want to imagine a life without you!" Syr pulled away with a mischievous smile despite the tears in her eyes, "But tell Bell I miss him as well."

Ryu's ears nearly burst into flame with how quickly they turned red. "W...Why do you think that's where I am going?"

Syr giggled quietly, "It's pretty obvious, especially after the show you put on when you learned Bell was alright. You fully flashed him; I don't know who was more stunned and embarrassed."
The memory of what happened nearly caused Ryu to pass out from embarrassment. It took a few seconds, but Syr continued before Ryu could actually pass out. "I guess that means we are rivals. Though to be honest I doubt I stand much of a chance against you, but I refuse to give up!"

Ryu noticed the intensity in the way Syr was speaking, it wasn't a joke to her friend. After taking a deep steadying breath, "Rivals? Maybe, but you shouldn't count yourself short. I promise that I will visit as much as I can." Giving Syr another hug, she made her way down the wooden stairs all the while Syr kept pushing and asking questions. Ryu did her best to answer politely but ignored most of them.

The entire staff greeted Ryu at the bottom, after some small talk and a few tears shed from the other employees she fully exited the Hostess taking an extremely deep breath of fresh air. She began to move swiftly towards her goal, the Hearth Manor.




Ryu was pacing, to more exact she was pacing in an empty park nearly a mile away from her goal, there were several white stone benches, and a handful of trees spotted around it, but it was completely silent otherwise. She had taken an exaggerated curve around her goal, taking the time to clear her mind and think about how to approach the familia home. "How am I going to do this, why are you so useless?" She continued to pace in self-recrimination. "I'm nervous? Are they going to accept me? I'm sure they would but would Lady Hestia?" She paced back and forth completely absorbed in her own thoughts; she didn't even notice a voice calling out to her. "Bell, how should I approach?"
"Umm Ryu, do you have a minute to talk?" A voice asked with a soft cough.

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