1: Threads Of Memory, Chains Of Dreams

Start from the beginning

Nonetheless, it was a slow process. The memories of that night were carved into his brain like a scar on his skin. He'd carry them wherever he went, and even if he would forget them, the aftermath would stay. He'd always be alone, for he had nothing to return to nor anything to look out for. Seonghwa was a man without a name, a man without history. He dwelled in between worlds where he seemed non-existent, and he wondered if he'd ever find himself there. He wondered if there would be a time when he'd simply know about all the things that were taken away.

Finding it pointless to care about his concerns, he grabbed his bag and put his small iron dagger in there that he had once found in a cave. It was his first adventure. He had found the dwelling and without a thought, he entered it. The cave was dark and humid, and although he struggled to even see his hand in front of him, he came to a halt in front of something firm. Realizing that it was a wooden chest, he felt excitement at the thought of opening a treasure and he almost felt child again. In it, there were a handful of gold coins and the iron dagger that he had kept all this time. He chuckled at the memory, glad that it was one that brought him happiness in much contrast to the other ones.

Stepping out of his hut, the air was still cool and crisp, carrying the earthy scent of the grass. Despite the desolation, he found comfort in it. The chirping crickets continued their symphony, welcoming the dawn as he began his day.

It was not a long journey to Pentos, but he knew that once he arrived in the city, the sun would almost be set at its highest point. He found it ironic that he was actually grateful for his dreams to have woken him up, as the journey to and from Pentos would lead up to him arriving back at his hut at nightfall, had he not woken up so early. For once, the dreams would serve him with clarity. Most of the time, he was not so lucky.

His dreams were vague, and though ultimately less painful than his memories, they were no less troubling to his mind. He found it hard to explain the dreams, but there was a recurring theme to them; a tree. It was always a dream about a tree, its branches adorned with the first snowfall. Sometimes, he could feel the icy chill of the wind howling through the branches, but every time he wanted to get closer to the tree to inspect it, he'd wake up. It left him yearning for answers, as he struggled to know what it meant. If it even meant anything, that was. He knew the confusing nature of dreams and he knew that most of the time, they didn't mean anything. But every time he'd find himself gasping awake, it would be the result of dreaming of the tree. A tree he had never seen. A tree that seemed to carry whispers of something.

The dreams only started soon after the events of that night. He didn't know why, and frankly, he refused to delve deeper into that reason as he felt uncomfortable when bringing up the memories, but he felt as if the two were in connection with each other. He knew that the dreams had to mean something, and the lingering uncertainty that clouded his path towards the answers frustrated him. The mystery of his dreams seemed to mimic the mystery surrounding himself, and Seonghwa would give up anything to finally put it all to rest.

Having walked the route countless times, he soon approached the city of Pentos, the distant hum of activity growing closer. The bustling markets and crowded streets awaited him, contrasting starkly with the tranquillity back at his hut. He didn't like to be in such a crowded place, knowing that in the cities, danger could hide in every corner. It was one of the reasons he chose to live away from populated areas. There, he could manage the wildlife and the weather. Inside the walls of the city, he couldn't. He had to make his run swift, and he dearly hoped that he could find wherever he was looking for. He looked into his bag once more to see the pouch of gold coins, remembering he had put around thirty of them, hoping it'd be enough. Seonghwa's pace quickened as he tightened the straps of his bag, his iron dagger offering reassurance to him.

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