Chapter 2: Bouncy Bonanza

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One year later...

Jonathan Crane did his best to block out the sound of laughter and chatter floating down the hall. He hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously in a patient file. Today was September 4th yet again, the date he dreaded most every year.

It had been nearly twelve months since the infamous Chuck E. Cheese birthday celebration that ended with Jonathan extracting his revenge as the Scarecrow. He assumed that after last year's fiasco, his colleagues would have learned their lesson about forcing him to acknowledge his birthday. How wrong he was!

His office door banged open, and Dr. Leland entered, grinning widely. "Good morning, Jonathan! Do you know what day it is?"

Jonathan sighed. "Unfortunately, yes. It's September 4th."

"That's right! Your birthday!" Dr. Leland said cheerily. "I know last year didn't go so well, but I promise we've planned something more low-key this time. No Chuck E. Cheese, I swear."

Jonathan frowned suspiciously. "What exactly do you have in mind?"

Dr. Leland waved her hand. "Oh, it's a surprise. But I think you'll enjoy it much more than last year."

"Hmm," Jonathan muttered. He shuddered, remembering the chaos of last year's celebration. "As long as there aren't any exploding cakes, I suppose I could tolerate a small get-together."

"Great!" Dr. Leland grasped his arm eagerly. "Let's get going then. I'll drive."

Jonathan reluctantly allowed himself to be led outside to her car. As they drove, he racked his brain, trying to guess where they might be headed.

After a short drive, the car pulled up in front of a large building. Jonathan looked up to see a colorful sign that read, "Bouncy Bonanza." He groaned audibly.

"Here we are!" Dr. Leland said.

"A children's bouncy house play place? You can't be serious." Jonathan glared at her.

"I know it looks a little silly, but I promise it's fun for adults too!" Dr. Leland tried to reassure him.

"Absolutely not," Jonathan refused stubbornly. "I refuse to frolic about like an imbecile in those germ-infested plastic monstrosities you call amusements."

Dr. Leland's face fell. "Oh, come on, Jonathan. It's your birthday! Try to have a little fun for once."

Jonathan crossed his arms defiantly. This was shaping up to be another absolutely horrendous birthday celebration.

Despite his objections, Dr. Leland managed to drag an uncooperative Jonathan inside.

"I've reserved the party room just for us," Dr. Leland said cheerfully, oblivious to Jonathan's deepening scowl.

She led him through a maze of giant inflatables crammed with raucous children. Jonathan grimaced at the cacophony of shrieks and laughter assaulting his ears.

Finally, they reached a closed door at the back labeled "Party Room." Dr. Leland paused, hand on the doorknob. "Are you ready for your surprise?" she asked eagerly. Jonathan only glowered.

Throwing open the door, Dr. Leland gestured for Jonathan to enter. He stepped inside warily and froze in shock. Sitting around a colorfully decorated table were Gotham's most infamous rogues - the Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, the Riddler, Penguin, and Two-Face.

"Happy birthday!" they shouted in unison. Jonathan noted with dismay the pile of wrapped presents and a large cake adorned with burning candles.

"" he sputtered in outrage.

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