"nothin' much, just wanted to play you. it's been a while, hasn't it?"

"and you can't wait for the match against bastard?" you mumbled, not feeling like going against a 2nd monster in the same day.

"of course not! i can't wait that long!" he stated as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"i don't want to sweat, i've already taken a shower." you sighed, and he shook his head. "c'mon! it won't be a serious match. you won't sweat! i promise. i'll even go easy on ya."

"i don't know if i feel insulted that you're "going easy on me" or thankful."

rin watched from the side as you two bickered back and forth; you were coming up with excuses while shidou managed to find a solution to every single one of them. it went on for a bit, till he had enough. he stepped in and put a hand ontop of your head, pulling you back with ease. you quickly ripped yourself out of his hold and adjusted your wig that began slipping from his hold.

"how about you do that tomorrow? i've already booked him for the day. wait in line, antennae bastard." shidou's previously playful expression fell at the sight of rin, and his scowl returned.

"booked? this isn't a hotel resort, princess boy."

"okay! stop! why can't you two get along for even a second? this isn't normal." you huffed, stepping up once more. "and shidou, based off all you've been saying the only thing you want is to beat me. you're still weird! but how about you beat me a different way?"

"i like where this is headed-" he began, grinning widely and i quickly shot him a glare.

"in a card game!"

he slouched his shoulders in disappointment. "card game..?"

"yeah! you're saying you'll go easy on me but i don't really trust someone like you to do that. sorry! i'll give you all my attention in the upcoming match. deal?" 

"now you're talking my language! that's a deal."

you turned to rin who held a poker-face and gave him an apologetic smile. "can you put up with him for just a bit?"

he sighed, rolling his eyes. "do you  think of me as a child? i can manage myself. let's go."


after that little event we went on to get cards from ego. he unwillingly handed them over, not trusting shidou and rin to keep them intact, but i managed to convince him by promising that i'd keep an eye on them, but now that we've begun playing i don't know how long i'll be able to keep my promise.

we sat from across each other in the lounge and handed out the cards. it started as a normal match, the one with the most cards loses. and it quickly got boring when rin kept winning, so we decided to "spice things up" (not my words, shidou's) and of course since it's shidou he has to suggest the most dreadful thing. 

the winner will ask the loser any question and they're forced to answer it truthfully.

now I wasn't a fan of this and neither was rin, but shidou's persistence made me give in and of course this is the time shidou had to somehow get insanely good at the game.

as we played, I couldn't help but notice how rin was deliberately losing. it wasn't like him at all, giving the fact that he's been on a winning streak just a few minutes ago. the thought that he might've been doing it to protect me struck me in the face, but I quickly shook it off as something too foolish to be true. but as the loser he had to answer all of shidou's questions and since he's only allowed one per loss, he made sure they were horrible.

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERWhere stories live. Discover now