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this book now follows the manga ^_^ anime only watchers proceed at your own risk! it will contain heavy spoilers.

y/n gets an ego boost from being recognized as the 3rd best in the entire blue lock; hence her sudden confidence while playing if anyone is confused *_*


shido rushed first and i ran towards him in even higher speed. i almost stole the ball from him, he seemed to have expected that and passed to isagi who came to support. i clicked my tongue, " someone did their homework.." i said as he laughed out loud, "your playstyles intriguing. basically all i have to do is not let the ball touch you!"

i cursed when isagi passed to rin, they were able to avoid kairu easily and they made their way through the field to our side. chigiri was thankfully able to stop isagi with his high speed. he passed the ball towards kairu who was beat by shido. he was about to score but i reached the goal in time and blocked with my thigh. the ball bounced off of me and the players were stunned for a moment from my sudden appearance. i fell on the ground, grunting a little. a bell rang, simbolizing that the ball was out of the field. "dude... ur shots.. actually really hurt to catch.." i panted, patting my hurting thigh. chigiri approached me and held a hand out for me to take, "don't injure yourself, b/n-chan." i  shrugged, taking his hand and he swiftly helped me up. 

shido cursed.

0 - 0 and the match started with karasu having the ball, isagi tried to intervene but karasu was far too strong.

shido came to stop him but karasu avoided him and scored a goal. i clicked my tongue, unsatisfied. i wanted to be the first to score but whatever. he looked at me and smirked, as if he had proven something. my face turned red as i clenched my fist angrily, "i'm going to make him lick my fucking shoes by the end of this match." the boys sweatdropped, staring at me in surprise.

0 - 1 and the match started with shido and rin having the ball. they passed to each other before karasu intervined. isagi tried to stop him but he was easily overpowered. i ran forward, trying to gain his attention so he can pass to me. he was then cornered by shido and nanase. he looked around before his eyes lied on me. i grinned at the conflicted look in his face and easily passed by rin and hiori. he kicked the ball to me and i caught it, making an easy score as no one defended the goal.

"damn! this is good shit!" shido yelled ecstatically as i smirked towards karasu, "what'd i say? hmm?"

he waved his hand, a light blush coating his cheeks, "it was only a one time thing! doesn't count."

i shrugged, "whatever you say, doggy."

"eh?! quit with that nickname!" he groaned in embarrassment.

0 - 2 and rin had the ball first again. isagi tried to support but karasu easily stopped him, not that it seemed like rin wanted to pass to him anyway.

rin passed to hiori who supported him, making them avoid shiguma easily. 

i ran in front of rin who held a bored expression, just as i was about to steal the ball from him shido and chigiri appeared out of no where, stopping me from being able to do anything at all. my eyes widened in shock as shido bumped into me harshly, making me move out of the way and bringing an opportunity for rin to score using shido as a distraction. before i could trip over my feet from how hard shido pushed me he caught me by my shirt, pulling me upwards, "yo, cutie."

i blushed, pushing him away and getting out of his hold, "y-you're targetting me!" i said, throwing an accusing finger on him as he laughed, "finally noticed?" 

i huffed angrily, turning my back towards him and stomping to my spot as i heard his distant laughter. if someone as strong as shido is targetting me then i'm definetly in trouble.

I'm a Boy! NOT! ♡ BLUE LOCK x READERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora