Armaan said," Now I have the photo I can blackmail you and I will be sharing it to all the elders of the family also that after 9 months of wedding only, a baby will come in our house."

Oh God these all!

Armaan said," If the baby will be a girl then we will decorate the room pink and if boy than blue."

Anya exclaimed," Who said if it will be a girl than she wold love pink and if a boy than blue."

Do they only want a point to fight.

Armaan said," Ok, darling. You choose our babies room colour."

Anya said," Who said I will have babies with you."

Aesha said," What will the baby say me."

Rehaan said," Whatever he choose and till the time he came he will get two options to choose from."

Vivaan said," How two?"

Kiara said," Idiot, he is flirting with Aesha. "

Vivaan said to her," Don't worry baby. He will also get two choices to call you with what."

Armaan said," Can you both stop flirting and focus on the main couple here."

Anya said," Like you were not flirting only."

I asked Inaya" Are you ok?"

She replied," Yaa, just feel dizzy."

I said," It's ok."

I picked her up in the water only and came out and took her down in the room and made her stand.

Everyone was at my back and were worried.

I asked," Can you change her clothes." while seeing girls

Anya said," Of course."

I gave Inaya to Kiara and Aesha and they hold Inaya. Anya said to everyone," Can you boys go out."

We all left and Anya closed there door.

After that we all went downstairs and sat there, after some time all the girls, I mean Kiara, Aesha and Anya came down.

Anya said," Jiju now you can go up."

Aesha asked," But what happened?"

I answered," Nothing just she drunk 2 glasses of wine and got drunk and then slipped in the pool and then I saved her and till the time you all came."

Armaan said," So now it will still take time for the baby to come at our home."

I stared at him and then said," You repeat it again and then see what I will do, I will call Shreya and ask her to come here and before she came I will kill you and after that you have to tolerate her."

Armaan pleased," No, no Bhai. I was just joking."

Rehaan said," Zain I don't think you should threaten him with a name of a girl because we can also call Tia then."

Armaan and Vivaan together," No way if she came na then we will ran from here."

Kiara said in amused tone," Excuse me guys, can we also know what you are talking."

Rehaan said," You will get to know about this soon Kiara."

I said," I guess you all should go to your beds, it's already late."

And I left and came in the room.

Inaya was sleeping in the bed peacefully. I went there and sat on the bed to take my laptop which was near Inaya, I took it and kept on the small drawer which was near the bed.

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