Chapter 5: This is Our Big Night/The Most Important thing is Being Friends

Start from the beginning

The music ends as everyone starts cheering.

"Guys, it's gonna begin!" Nine whispered.

"At least the dancing kept us company. That was a blast." Sonic said.

"First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight." Celestia said through the microphone. "You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is..." Twilight's crown came from a box Luna was holding, as everyone was afraid who'll win. "...Twilight Sparkle!"

Everyone cheered as the mobians and Twilight came on stage, with Sonic smiling, achieving the goal, but all he needs is the Paradox Prism.

"Congratulations, Twilight." Celestia said, putting the crown on Twilight's head.

Everything was happy, until...

"TWILIGHT! HELP!" She heard Spike shouted.

"Spike?" Twilight wondered

"LET US GO!" a voice similar to Nine, Sails and Mangey's shouted.

"LEAVE US ALONE!" A voice similar to Rusty, Thorn and Black's screamed.

"Let us go, you brutes!" A voice similar to Knucks, Dread and Gnarly growled.

"Watch the nails!" a voice similar to Rebel, Prim and Batten's snapped.

"Oop! What's happening!?" A voice similar to Catfish, Denizen 1998 and Hangry's asked.

'No way.... it couldn't be....' Sonic thought to himself, as his eyes widen, at the sight of Snips and Snails taking Spike, but not only Spike, other versions of his Shatterverse friends, but back at his home.

"They've got Spike!" Twilight called, given chase with the others.

"TAILS! KNUCKLES! AMY! ROUGE! BIG!" Sonic screamed, chasing after the boys, along with their friends.

They stopped at the statue, seeing the 5 mobians captured and Spike.

"That's close enough!" Came Sunset, as she appeared with a big hammer.

"Twilight!" Spike called, but his muzzle was held by Snips.

"SONIC! HELP!" Tails called.


"Don't hurt him!" Twilight pled.

Even though Nine regrated to say he and Tails are nothing alike, he activated his mechanical tails. "Let go of them, Sunset!"

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight." Sunset said and turned to Snips and Snails. "Let them go!"

They let go of the mobians and Spike as they came to their friends. Spike jumped into Twilight arms, while Tails and the others hugged Sonic.

"I'm so relived you're alive!" Sonic said. "What happened?"

"Everything in Green Hill went back to normal. Then we were at this hall, but we were taken by them." Tails said, pointing at Sunset, Snips and Snails.

The mobians' weapons were brought out, glaring at Sunset.

"You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home." Sunset said.

Everyone gasped in shock.

"You can't do this!" Tails said.

"Yeah. Tails is right! You can't do this to Twilight!" Nine growled.

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