Act Eight: Friendship

Start from the beginning

Obviously, I wasn't going to truly hurt the guy.
With a wave of his hand, Agni signaled to begin.
Soma rushed at me first, quickly making me stumble forward to catch up to meet him halfway.
The swords clashed, and I felt the power of the blow up my arms. What... The hell?! How was a single hit this strong?! Or was I just weak?
I grit my teeth to push back, only to finally relent and pull back.
As my sword slipped away, Soma staggered to catch his footing and raised the sword once again. Hell no, I wasn't going to fall into that position again. Instead of meeting his sword, I reeled back, causing the prince to miss.
Was this my chance now?
While his sword was down, I brought my own blade down and with a hit as strong as I could muster, the Prince dropped the blade with a surprised yelp.

"My Prince!" His servant almost jumped in before Soma raised a hand to stop him,
"I am alright. No injuries, it just hurt my hands a bit."
Huh? For real, I hurt him?!
"I'm so sorry," I could only bow my head in apologies, "That was not my intent."
"No, it is okay," He picked up his sword once again, "You did well for your first time. I noticed you played into your strengths."

Wait, did I? I mean, sure, I absolutely did, and it was thoroughly intentional... What were my strengths?
Agni approached to check Soma's hands, and while the servant was busy, the Prince flashed me a smile,
"Our physical strength is different, so you waited until I could not swing. I believe you have potential!"

Me... Potential...?

Before I could respond, the door opened and a meek maid peeked in,
"So-Sorry to disturb, but dinner is ready, yes."

"Dinner!" Soma pulled his hands away from Agni to set his sword down on the table within the study, "I am starved, let us all eat together."

From there, I found myself at the table with people above my status. The Earl Phantomhive, Prince Soma, then myself. I was a noble too, but it was easy to felt like I did not belong among their high blood.
Yet... Soma was devouring his food without a care for manners, while Ciel just continued to tap his spoon against his bowl boredly.
I met his single blue eye before dropping my head once more. I was being watched, what the hell for?
Did I do something rude or improper to him?

Suddenly, Ciel gave a short, amused chuckle,
"What's this? Are you scared to look at me, (Y/N)? That isn't like you at all. What happened to your fire? Did you think ignoring me was going to make me forget you tried to waste my time when we met?"
Bringing that up now-!
But he had a point, I wasn't as angry as I normally was. I assumed it was because I didn't have a reason to be while I was here, but if even the Earl noticed it...
I wasn't always angry, when did I start feeling my rage anyway?

It was... Because of that, right?

With a huff, I looked back up to meet Ciel once more,
"I was trying to be polite, but if you would rather I change my mind-"
The two foreign men shared a glance and a restraint of words before the young earl looked away once more,
"No, it was just an observation. If you're done eating, Sebastian can show you to your room."
What a way to backtrack, there was no way he wasn't trying to challenge me. Did he think just because I wasn't pissed off right now that I could just be pushed around?!
At any rate, I would have to take them up on that offer. Despite my intense need for proper rest, the day has been nothing close to relaxing.
I pulled myself up and wished the younger men goodnight before I turned in for the night.
I would get as much rest as I could, I... Wished to go back to the shop tomorrow morning.

My grip on my suitcase tightened until my knuckles turned white.
Was it strange to say I missed him, although not a full day had passed yet?
When I entered the shop, the door jingled from the little bell above, and I set my suitcase down behind the counter,
"Undertaker? I'm here,"
No response, was he...
Nope, I looked to the coffin but it was open and empty.
I looked over the counter, and he wasn't there either.
Not in the back of the shop, or the basement, The Undertaker was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he ran an errand, I was a bit early after all.
I wouldn't mind waiting, considering I planned to confess my feelings.
I could read a book again, or wander around.
As I made my way back to the front of the shop after checking the basement, I stopped and took note of something... Odd.
The scythe was usually poking out right here, wasn't it? But no blade was there. No way, he really took it?!
Without a second thought, I pulled back the fabric and indeed, it was gone.

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