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Chapter 9 The Gloomy Director
Eye protectionTurn off the lights
Su Qingyu didn't show any pretense and started eating midnight snack after washing her hands.

He must have not eaten for a long time, and he was hungry just looking at the food.

The food was light, warm and delicious. After a few bites, Su Qingyu began to sweat on his forehead.

527 looked at his wet forehead and asked him: [Host, are you in pain? 】

Su Qingyu was not using Xu Yunhan's body, but he still had to endure Xu Yunhan's stomach cancer, and there were also cancer cells spreading and eroding in his stomach.

"It's okay." Su Qingyu ate most of the midnight snack, then went to wash up briefly and then went to the bedroom.

He stood at the window and looked out for a few seconds, then closed the curtains.

Contrary to expectations, he slept well on his first night in this world.

When I woke up, the sun shone through the curtains, casting shadows in the bedroom.

Su Qingyu opened her eyes, waited for a while, and finally turned on her phone.

An overwhelming amount of messages poured in instantly, and it took a while for the phone to fully receive it.

He first went to Weibo to check the situation.

People who go to bed early and get up early will be confused when they see the hot searches on Weibo when they wake up in the morning.

They just slept, what happened that night? Why can't I understand Weibo?

The whole internet is discussing a movie that doesn't even have a title yet?

Or a gay-themed movie?

Early risers give last night's people and movies another wave of popularity.

At noon when Su Qingyu woke up, the heat still persisted, so he woke up and added some fuel to the fire.

He found the Weibo post that revealed that his movie had a gay theme and forwarded it.

[Xu Yunhan: When I auditioned last night, I only asked the actors to treat me as a secret admirer. I didn't reveal any homosexual themes. The script was only read by the original male lead. How did you know it was a homosexual theme? @梦宇记: Big and reliable news, director Xu's new movie is about same-sex themes! 】

After forwarding this Weibo post, he checked the text messages and WeChat messages again. His eyes stayed on Xu Rongjia for a few seconds, and he got up in a good mood.

He was in a good mood. Ren Heming and Han Lin had never been more tired and anxious this night and morning.

I saw Jiang Huiyin's hot search last night, and it was already past two o'clock.

At that time, the two of them were exhausted, but their hearts were still high and they could not go back to rest.

Xu Yunhan brought a reporter into the hotel for an interview. The reporter hadn't come out yet. They would definitely not be able to sleep until they figured out what Xu Yunhan said to the reporter.

When the reporter and photographer finally came out, Han Lin said to Ren Heming, "You wait in the car while I go down to find out what's going on."

Ren Heming could never be discovered. He disguised himself so that he could not be easily recognized in the dark and successfully blended into the paparazzi group.

That female reporter is the "Struggling Little Taozi" on Weibo. Her real name is Tao Tao, and she is a reporter for Cherry Entertainment.

Her eyes were red when she came out, and she wiped her nose as she walked.

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