Chapter 1

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"You have to do this, Max."

"I don't have to do anything, Desi."

The low growl from the other end of the phone told him just how aggravated his step-sister was with him. It rankled her that he never jumped to do what she wanted just because she was Desiree Stevens, international superstar. She had more number one hits at twenty-five than some singers did in their entire lifetimes. And as such, she came off as privileged and spoiled. He never let her by with that shit.

"When do I ask you for favors?"

"You called yesterday asking me to find..."

"Never mind. This is important, Max. Shay's scared."

Fuck, it was too early for this shit. "Desi, it's four in the fucking morning. Couldn't you have waited until a decent hour to call me?"

"It's only one here in San Francisco."

Right. "Do you understand time zones, Desi?"

"Max, stop being a brat. The guy was in her house yesterday. She's freaking out."

"Tell her to come by the office and I'll talk to her, okay?"

"No. You need to go to her. She's on set all day. She doesn't have time to come to you."

Fucking fantastic. Another bratty, spoiled diva to contend with.

"Fine. I'll swing by wherever she's filming later today."

"No, it's why I called you at four in the fucking morning, as you put it. She starts filming by six. You need to get over to the studio by five. It's the only time she'll have to talk."


Why had he promised his mother he'd always watch out for his little sister? If it wasn't for that, he'd have already hung up on her. They weren't related by blood, but she'd been two when his mom married Desi's dad. They were brother and sister, period.

"Fine, but I swear to God, Des, if you call me again at four in the fucking morning..."

"You'll answer, swear at me, and then tell me you love me."

Shit. "I love you."

"Love you too! I'll text Shay to let her know you're coming so they'll put you on the list to get into the studio."

"Text me the studio's address while you're at it."

"Thanks, Max. You're my favorite brother."

"I'm your only brother."

"See, you've got no competition."

Max shook his head and sat up, telling his sister goodbye. He loved the kid, he did, but sometimes he wanted to strangle her.

Max ran a hand through his bedhead. He didn't have a lot of time, so he went to do his business and take a quick shower. Leave it to Desi to find some way to screw with him. He did not want to meet a potential client on only about an hour's worth of sleep. He tended to be rude and cranky. Not the attitude Kade or Viktor would appreciate.

But it was four in the fucking morning!

He towel dried his hair as he turned on the coffee pot. His mother had taught him and Desi to make sure it was set the night before so they didn't spill shit all over the kitchen floor the next day. It became a rule after he stumbled in drunk one morning and decided to make coffee for the family. Not his finest moment.

He threw a Pop Tart in the microwave and pulled up the studio's address on his phone. It was in one of the swankier parts of NYC. Great. His suits were all dirty. He'd just finished his last assignment and needed to run by the dry cleaners.

Max IKSI #5)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora