chapter 2

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I don't know why i had this strange feeling when I got on the plane. It felt as if my life was abt to change.
I sat next to my first older sister. Her name is McKenzie and she's nearly 19yo. I love talking to her because she went trough the same shit i went trough and she gives me advices to avoid bad things. My other big sister isn't like that. She's more like: leave me alone, go to hell, nobody cares; she's 1 year older than me, so Ipshe can relate too, but she's too lazy to give me advices, and I know for a fact she also doesn't want to.
My little sister is 13yo. She has the sweetest smile and is so innocent. Sometimes, I just wanna vent to her because she doesn't really know what life is until she gets a phone and download tiktok and insta. Until that moment, her smile keeps me warm in the coldest night.
And then there's me. My name is Olivia, and I'm 16yo. I live in Toronto with my family and I'm actually single this summer, but anyways, hot girl summer.
I wouldn't say that I'm hot, but I'm kinda pretty; I have green eyes and natural red hair. My lips are thin and my lashes are long.
I don't know how to describe myself sorry😭 it's js that I don't want to sound pick me by saying " I'm not like other girls, I have red hair and long lashes" pls don't take it that way!!!!
Anyways, after my vent to McKenzie, I realized she was asleep all this damn time and I was js talking to myself. Common life with siblings. I charged my airpods and I put a chase Atlantic song. Yk I love this kind of music, it js want you to vomit and drink your own vomit until u vomit again. Get me pls!!
My mom was watching tiktoks so I asked her if I could have her pillow because my neck was abt to break and I couldn't anymore.
Omg too much blablabla....
Me: mom... mommmm!!
I did wanted to wake her up but I didn't want anyone I the plane to be disturbed so I whispered and as u guys can agree, moms don't hear correctly.
Me: mom? MOMM!!!
I screamed literally. But who cares? People eye- sided me but girl, I will never see u again so whats the point? My mom woke up and that's what matters.
Me: mom I need to pee.
Mom: then go pee!
Me: but mom, I don't know where the toilets are. Pls come with me!!
Lmao I begged her in front of everyone and they were all like; js take her so that she could stfu. So she did.
Mom: if you ever pull me that again, I'm gonna push u in the face, got it?
I smiled before going in the toilets.
As I opened the toilet' door to go back to my sit, I accidentally ran into someone. I was super embarrassed bc it was a boy abt my age and he was sosososo handsome.
Me: hum I'm sorry I didn't see where I was going.
Him: I can tell.
Who raised this boy? No one obvi. I rolled my eyes and said : I said I'm sorry.
He looked at me dead in the eye and raised an eyebrow, like: and? What am I supposed to do with that info?
Shove it into ur ass, idc.
I went back to my sit, embarrassed and upset. Who does he think he is?

the summer i met youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant