Chapter Eight

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"Nicole, can you come and help prep fruit for breakfast?" Mom yelled from downstairs. I hop out of bed and stretch down the stairs. It was dark. As I turned the corner, the lights blinded my eyes. "Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled, I jumped. It was a surprise. "Thank you, you guys got me." I chuckled, my heart beating quickly.

A baby blue cake with seventeen candles was placed on top of a glittery table runner, presents set adjacent to it. As the candles blew out, I made a wish I hoped would come true. Mom cut each slice of cake evenly, every section had a different flavor. As we finished cake, mom had us all gather in the living room for presents.

Nate was the first to hand me a gift. As I pulled the paper from the bag, I saw a hand drawn birthday card and a bumblebee bookmark. "Thank you, buddy." I hugged him tightly. "Here!" Sophia yells in excitement as she hands me a gift that she wrapped herself, I tore the paper to find a macaroni covered picture frame. It had a picture of her and I, we were being silly. "This is definitely a keeper; I'll hang it above my bookshelf this afternoon."

Mom comes from behind me, "close your eyes." A cold chain rested on my neck. I looked down to see a dainty silver necklace, a baby blue angel dangled at the bottom attached to a rose covered swing. "With this necklace, you'll see the world differently," mom smiled. "Go, get ready. We are going out to late lunch." Dad said, throwing on a plaid jacket and black boots.

Sliding in a navy-blue dress and white converse, we headed out the door. Dad took me to I Hop, one of my favorite breakfast restaurants. Once we all got back inside, I saw Leo sitting on our beige couch, smiling at me. I dropped to my knees and sobbed; I could not believe what I saw.

"Dane, why don't you and the kids watch something in your room? Your sister needs some space." Dane nodded, chasing them upstairs. "Dad, I see Leo." Mom came up to me with a hand on my shoulder. "I told you; don't you see the world differently?" Tears fled from my eyes, "that necklace will help you see the spirits you couldn't see before." Dad smiled, "your mom always knew there was something different about you, something special. When she saw the necklace, mom could not keep her hands off it; it drew her to it."

Giving me a tight hug, they left to give me some time with Leo. "Why are you here?" I asked, confused and grateful to see his face. "Just swinging by to see how you're doing. I missed you." I missed him too. When I found his body, my world shattered. "The night I was murdered, I left my house to check up on you and the family. When I came back home, Robert was there waiting for me. I was stabbed in the chest multiple times, and all I could think of was you."

Tears streamed down my face; I wished I would have known before Leo was killed. "I'm so sorry, Leo, I didn't know you were a target." He pulled me in for a hug. "I know you didn't, I'm just glad it was me and not you." I closed my eyes tightly, going back to the memories of Leo still alive.

"I want to free your spirit, what do you desire?" Leo ponders on the question for a few minutes before responding. "One last goodbye kiss, something I'll never forget." Closing my eyes, our lips touched for the second time, the spark still there. When I opened them, he was gone.

I sat by myself in silence for a while, seeing Leo in person was puzzling. The necklace mom gave me was like magic, I could not understand how it worked and where she managed to find it. Once I made it to bed, the moon was bright and full. Mom always said a full moon was good luck, and I was starting to believe it.

As the grandfather clock struck midnight, I shot straight out of bed. It was not a nightmare, but my mind would not let me go back to sleep. Sighing softly, I quietly head into the living room. Dane must have had a rough night; he passed out on the recliner. Putting something quiet on the Tv, I managed to relax for a few minutes. A small tap on the window startled me, but I played it off as the wind pushed a branch on the glass.

Tap, tap, tap, the noise sounded stronger, making me anxious. I pulled a blanket over my legs and tried to ignore the sounds, but it did not stop. Grabbing the fire extinguisher from the pantry, I headed toward the door. I was ready to hit whoever it was, but nobody was there when the door swung open. A blood red mask lay on the rug, somebody was there, but left before I could see them.

"Dane, someone was outside our home." I whispered, gently shaking him. "Nobody's here," he growled, rolling over to his side. Trying to wake Dane for the last time, I threw the mask on his lap. "What's this then?" Dane's eyes widened completely, he looked concerned.

"Where did you get this?" He asked, holding the mask in his hands. It was familiar to Dane; he knew something I did not. Setting the mask on the table, I had the million-dollar question, "who is it?"

"Amon." Dane said, staring out the window. "Why was he at our house?" Clearing his throat, Dane hugged his knees tightly. "Amon was my classmate in high school, he was different. Always acting out in class and fighting other students, he inflicted a fear in everyone he knew. Soon, word got out that his dad was physically abusive, so he acted out in retaliation. Because everyone knew, Amon decided to do something about it." Shivers ran down my spine, I did not want to know the rest of the story, but I needed to.

"The next day, Amon returned to school just like any other day. While everyone was in between classes, he put on the blood red mask. Amon started stabbing students in the hallway, killing three and a teacher. I was on his hit list they found in the home after he mysteriously disappeared." I looked over at Dane, "did you bully him?" Dane threw his hands up, "I would never."

Now that I knew my brother was on that list, I knew Amon would come back. "What do we do, Dane?" I ask, tossing the mask near the trash. "Nothing tonight, everyone will be awake soon. Let us get some rest, we will set up a plan tomorrow." I was not going to sleep or rest until I knew our family was safe. I chose to stay awake and watch the house.

"Sissy, a bad man was in my room last night." Nate said, climbing into my lap. He was scared, his body was shaking like a leaf. "I'm sure it was just a nightmare," Nate shook his head quickly. "He said he'd hurt us if I told our parents." Then I knew right then that it was not a dream. Amon was stalking the house and watching my family in the shadows.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" I nod, "of course. My room is your room tonight and any time you need it." Nate hugged me tightly, falling back to sleep in my arms.

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