Chapter Three

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Running out of the bathroom as fast as my legs could trail, I ran toward my room. Scared. I didn't know why I saw her, but I did. Nina looked sad, bruises covered her arms, what happened to her? I laid my head on the pillow for hours, unable to sleep. Santa wasn't going to be happy I stayed awake, but I had a reason.

The sun came up, and even though I didn't sleep, I felt well rested. Pulling out my Christmas pajamas from the closet, I slid them on and headed to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth, I looked into the mirror. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but I felt like someone was watching me.

Turning off the lights, I headed toward the living room. Everyone besides mom and dad were huddled around the Christmas tree, eager to open their gifts. "I was a good girl this year, I hope Santa read my list." Lily says, eyeballing a long, rectangular present against the wall. "Wally sure needs a friend, maybe there will be someone new for him." Nate says, hugging Wally tightly.

While everyone daydreamed about what might be in their presents, I snuck off into the kitchen to make a special cup of coca for everyone to enjoy. Once I finished up in the kitchen, I carried them into the living room. "Coca, anyone?" Nate was the first to run up to the platter, he investigated the cup and seemed confused. "There's no magic in mine, sissy, where is it?" I smiled at him, holding a small jar in my hand.

Taking a small pinch of powdered sugar, I sprinkled it into his cup. Topping it off with a small handful of mini marshmallows, it made me happy he remembered the 'magic' coca from a few years ago. It brought tears to my eyes, happy tears. Christmas always made me emotional, bringing smiles to faces and joy into the home.

Mom and Dad made their way into the living room, they both smiled brightly. "It looks like we had a bunch of good kids this year, look at all the presents under the tree." Huge smiles filled the room, everyone was excited to find out what was in each gift under the heavily decorated Christmas tree.

Dad made his way to the floor, he started to sort the presents into piles. I kept the younger siblings on the couch, I wanted to contain them until Dad gave the okay. "Go find your stack of gifts, your names will be on the tags, or the gifts themselves." Each of us sat next to our pile, Nate was next to me. "Go ahead and pick out a gift, but only from us." I helped Nate read the tags, giving him choices on what to choose.

"GO!" Dad yelled, wrapping paper flew, gasps filled the room. Lily screamed with joy, "thank you so much, mom and dad!" She got a skateboard set, equipped with three sets of colored wheels and paint to decorate the bottom of the board. Nate held up a stuffed bumblebee, he smiled with glee. "It's just like your baby bee in your room, sissy." I smiled, "I love him, Nate."

Dane and I picked the smallest gifts, we didn't want to overdo it. Apparently, we were wrong. Both our mouths dropped, mom and dad got us our first phones. I ran over and hugged them tightly; it was a surprise we didn't expect.

Once all the gifts were exchanged between us kids, I had to surprise mom and dad. We all saved allowances, and worked hard for what they weren't expecting. "Mom, Dad, we all love you very much, and we want to show you something." Guiding them into their bedroom, there was an unwrapped gift on the bed.

"This is beautiful!" Mom said, looking at it closely. It was a wood board with our family name on it, below the board were hearts with our pictures and names dangling delicately. "This is definitely going in the living room, thank you all so much for this perfect Christmas... but I have one more surprise in store."

Mom led us outside. She smiled, moving to the side. As we got a closer look, my eyes widened. "I met Lilac a few days ago, she helped me take care of these for you. This is sentimental, something you can see anytime you want. Flowers are calming, they are great listeners, and they don't talk back." We all giggled, looking for our names on the popsicle sticks.

My stick was with a bunch of sunflowers, they all stood tall and healthy. All the flowers were in harmony, each complimenting each other.

As we came back inside, Dad had our stockings laying out on the island. The younger siblings got candy and toys, Dane and I got the things that we needed. Emptying the rest of our stockings in Christmas boxes, we took them to our rooms.

From the doorway, I heard a horrifying scream. Running down the hall, I pushed Nate's door open. "What's wrong?" I asked, worried. "She's staring at me through the mirror, I'm scared Nicole." Goosebumps covered every inch of my body, I was scared too, but I couldn't let him see it. I hugged him tightly, "don't worry, there's nothing to be scared of." He smiled, feeling reassured.

"Will you let me see her?" I asked, my hands trembling. "She doesn't want to see or talk to you," I was unsure, "why?" Nate looked back at the mirror; I knew he could still see Nina. "You look like the bad person who turned their back on her abuse, she doesn't trust you."

I looked into the mirror, "Nina, I'm not a bad person. I may not be able to see you, but I want to know what happened..."

Feeling lightheaded, I laid down on the floor. Closing my eyes, I fell into her horror.

"Daddy! Stop!" Nina watched him push her mom into the brick wall. "You're the reason mommy doesn't want me anymore, what else can you destroy?" He yelled in anger, striking Nina across the face. Her mom sat on the floor; tears ran down her face as she watched the abuse. Nina knew why her mom didn't do anything to stop it, she knew her mom would have been hurt again. Nina didn't blame her mom, she loved her; and took on more abuse so her mom wouldn't get it as bad.

In a rage, Nina's dad grabbed her shoulder. "Crying is a sure way for you to go to the attic, let's go." Throwing Nina over his shoulder, he headed upstairs. "This is a lesson; you don't interfere with anything happening with you or your mother." Nina didn't understand why she was being treated this way; all she ever did was love her parents unconditionally.

Nina was left without food or water for two days; she began to feel weak and cold. Keys jingled outside the door; Nina could feel someone standing above her. As she opened her eyes, her dad was smiling at her. "You know what, why don't you go get in the bath? Mom can help you wash up before dinner." Nina nodded; the biggest smile ran across her face.

Nina's mom carried her to the warm bath, gently washing her frail body. "Why don't you lay back into the water? Your pretty hair will be shiny and clean once I'm done." Tears ran down her face as she lowered Nina in, she wasn't going to wash her hair. "I'm sorry, baby. I wish there was something else I could do to stop this." Nina stopped smiling, "stop what?" She asks, watching her mom's smile fade away. "I need you to close your eyes as tightly as you can, I love you."

Before Nina could say anything, her mom pushed Nina's head under the water.

Nina tried to fight, scratching, kicking, squirming around; but she was too weak. Bubbles started to come to the surface, Nina was no longer breathing. Her mom yells in agony, she wished she didn't have to drown her baby; but it was the only way in her eyes.

Coming out of her horror, tears ran down my face. "Nina, I am sorry this happened to you, you didn't deserve that." I say, holding Nate close. Nina's parents abused and murdered her, all because her parents were neglectful and selfish.

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