Chapter 1

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3d person POV following John

Once upon a time, there was a boy named John who was in love.

The trouble was that he was in love with the supreme ruler's son he knew that the Supreme ruler would never let a townsperson such as himself marry his son, and so he decided that he would ascend the ranks and become someone worthy of marrying the supreme ruler's son.

The only problem was that he was still only 17 and he couldn't do anything so he spent months learning the society's structure and formed a plan so that once he came of age he would ascend without flaw.

He learned that he would need to be at least a noble to marry him. He found that the lowest form of noble he could become that would be worthy of marrying the supreme ruler's son was a duke. The best way to become a duke was to first become a knight, and the knight tryouts were just around the corner. He trained every day and when the day of the tryouts came, he easily surpassed everyone else. Soon he was put into proper training, and after 3 months he became an official knight. Determined to become a duke, he spent much of his time learning and finished high school early, then he began college, however, he still had knightly duties.

One day his leader asked him to try being the supreme ruler's son's Knight for a month because he was going on his honeymoon with his new husband. Unable to find a way to say no, he reluctantly agreed.

In the weeks to come he spent much of his time worrying about how his first impression was going to be. He hoped the supreme ruler's son remembered their first encounter but at the same time, he hoped he didn't.

He still remembered it clearly, it had been a cold winter day and the harvest had been terrible that month so his father was in a foul mood. He had gone on a walk to try to clear his mind, and that's when he saw him in the distance the son of the Supreme ruler by the lake he was beautiful, his luscious golden hair blowing in the breeze, his eyes a glimmering shade of blue that seemed to glow in the dark night.

John was so captivated by his beauty that he stopped watching where he was walking and fell on his face in a loud thump that caught the boy's attention.

"Are you alright?" John heard a beautiful silky voice ask.

He looked up to see the the beautiful set of eyes that had captivated him only moments before, then he noticed that the boy's hand was outstretched to him he reluctantly took the boy's hand and found it was much softer than he had previously anticipated.

When he stood up he realized there was a sharp pain in his leg, looking down he found the source of the pain. There on his left thigh was a knife at least two inches into his leg.

Looking for the source of it he spotted a skeleton with a similar knife in its hand. Then seeing the blood coming out of his leg he grew nauseated before fainting.

He fell right into the arms of the other boy, but of course, he didn't remember that part.

When he woke back up the beautiful boy was gone and he was alone by the lake. John thought that it was all a dream, but there on his leg was a wound from the knife.

To this day he remembers how the leader's son's hand felt.

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