Bonnie was standing in the old witch house's basement in front of the magically locked coffin, chanting a spell. When the coffin still wouldn't open, she groaned in frustration.

"Why won't you open?!"

Suddenly, the coffins and Rebekah disappeared. That and the creaking sound of floorboards above her, alarmed the teenage witch of another presence in the house. Someone who shouldn't be here.

"Hello? Someone there?"

Outside in the woods, Stefan and Damon were approaching the witch house.

"You didn't say anything to Elena about the coffins, right?" Stefan asked, giving his brother a suspicious sideway glance.

"No, I said I wouldn't," Damon assured him, a slight hint of irritation in his voice.

"I know what you said."

Damon turned his head towards his brother.

"Why are you asking?"

"Because protecting the location of Klaus' family is my number one priority right now," Stefan explained. "And the fewer people who know, the better."

Suddenly, Damon stopped in his tracks, having picked up suspicious noises coming from inside the witch house. Stefan stopped walking as well, raising his eyebrows questioningly.


Inside the witch house, Bonnie was slowly walking up the stairs, towards the noises. She was surprised to see Damon standing there. Before she could utter a sound, the vampire placed a finger on his lips, signaling her to stay quiet. Light footsteps could be heard coming from the adjacent room.

Two people.

Damon vamp sped into the room, ready to silence their unwelcome visitors forever, but stopped when he saw the two small girls staring back at him wide eyed. He sighed, pulling his hand away that had nearly chopped off one of the girls' head and shook his head at the twins.

"You two just can't stay put, can you?"

Elena was in the process of decorating Caroline's locker for the latter's eighteen birthday, when Bonnie joined her, having just arrived at the school after debating with Stefan and Damon on what to do with the twins. Bonnie had advocated for letting them go but the Salvatores, as well as the witch spirits wanted to hold them hostage since they knew too much. If they let them go, they would betray the coffins' location to Klaus. Bonnie had reluctantly agreed, under the condition that no harm would be done to them and they would be released right after they had found a way to open the locked coffin.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I...I got held up."

Elena turned around and smiled at her best friend.

"It's okay. I just got here too. Can you pass me the balloons?" Bonnie handed her the balloons next to her. "Thanks. What got you running late?"

"I was...working on some new spells," Bonnie replied. Not exactly a lie. "You?"

"Working out with Alaric." Elena sighed. "So, I have something I need to tell you, and you're not gonna like it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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