• ~ Fifty Five ~ •

445 11 7

Chapter 55: A wreck

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Alexia Kelce and Kit Connor call it quits and end their engagement after a year of being together.

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How did everyone know? Every single person on the planet knew. I felt lifeless. I couldn't sleep. Between almost being murdered and dumping the love of your life for his safety, I kept having nightmares. It was weird being in my bed alone for the last week, in which I haven't left my bed.

My mother knocked on my door.


"Come in."

I just kept staring at pictures in my phone.

"Alexia, your father and I are going out. Want to come with us?"

"I'm okay here." My voice was breaking.

"Oh Lexi.."

"Mom, I think I fucked up. I miss Kit. I miss our apartment."

"I know baby."

She hugged me tight. I was losing it. I wanted everything I had before. I know it was for Kit's safety, but I would do anything to have him back.

"How about this, when I get home, we can watch the Notebook and we can cry together."

A smiled a bit.

"Theres my girl. I'll be back, alright."

I nodded. She left and I opened to Kit's text contact. I was so close to sending the I miss you text, but that would be so ironic since I was the one who dumped him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My mother turned to my father.

"Trav, she's not okay."

"Should I do it?"

"Do it. I think it will help."

He nodded and picked up his phone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My mother came through with her promise. She bought a bunch of ice cream from the store and we watch The Notebook.

My father had left for physical therapy on his arm leaving just my mother and I.

And she was right. There was tears. Lots of them, from both of us.

There was a knock on the front door.

"Lex, can you grab it?"

"Yeah, I got it."

I walked over to the door and opened it. And there he was, Kit Connor standing at the door. Wet. He was completely rained on.

I slammed the door shut.

"Who is it?"



"Is he still there? He can't see me like this!"

"Well he's still standing there. Wet."

I opened the door up again.

"I'm sorry."

"I would have slammed the door on myself."

I tried to make myself look like I hadn't been crying for the last week.

"Lex.." He said quietly.

"I'm fine, I swear."

"I know you. You aren't okay."

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