Found him

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Perseus sat by himself at a table farther from the people of his school. He took out the large notebook he kept inside his bag.

It has been six months ever since Zeus tried to kill him. For now, he was going undercover, not wishing to be seen by other mythological beings or his fellow kind. But that was until Rachel Elizabeth Dare had entered the school grounds. He knew his guise would get uncovered. It was his fault as well for literally just not choosing to go overseas. He should have taken that chance; and now that Dare was here, more and more trouble will come into his front. He noticed her expression after his introduction right in front of the registrar. She was shocked.

Perseus gritted his teeth. He was going to have a headache.

The school bell rang, which meant it was time for his next period. He got up from his seat and away he went for his next class.

Rachel just finished the report to Will right in time for the bell to ring. She bid goodbye to the demigod on the other side and rushed to get things ready.

As she opened the door, she met Perseus outside who was also going to his next class. "Ah, Perseus." Rachel sheepishly said.

Perseus stopped from his tracks and turned to her. "Ms. Dare, nice bumping on to you again. I get that the school is slowly warming up to you?" He asked.

Rachel silently cursed within, how come could this school slowly warm up to her when the students literally just talks about how weird she is.

"Y-yeah," she responded. "So what's your next class? I have English."

"I have Biology next. Y'know Ms. Dare, why don't we have a chat along the way. Coincidentally, our classrooms are basically near each other, so let's not worry hurrying up." Percy smiled.

Rachel nodded and followed behind the long-lost demigod.

"So Rachel," Perseus started. "What made you transfer here in my school?"

To find you. "Well, I didn't quite like my last school. So, I bargained with my dad that if I were to do good, he'd take me out of the school. So, he did," she responded.

"That sounds interesting."

"What about you Perseus, what made you go here?" Rachel asked this time.

"Well, got expelled on the other one." Perseus responded.


Perseus decided he shouldn't answer that one. Eventually, the real reason was that Goode had already been covered a lot of his tracks. So if he were to stay there, monsters would come and go looking for him.

After he fell down, he thought he'd head first stop at Goode but erased the idea once he separated the pros and cons; he used the last of his powers and concentrated on the surrounding water particles that was around him. It took him a long time to master this art, vapor travel, he calls it. It is where one would control the water around him so he could travel with it to another destination. The first time, he let the wind guide him which resulted him to stand suddenly on an island somewhere in the pacific. Took him two days to figure it out and when he came back, he was greeted by a punch from his one and only Annabeth Chase.

The sudden thought of Annabeth made Perseus stop from his tracks. When he fell down, he promised that he would avenge Annabeth. Destroy Zeus limb by limb. But that would also mean destroying Olympus.

"---seus. Perseus! Are you there? We're here."

Perseus snapped from his thoughts and turned to the red head. "Oh. Um, yes. See you later, Dare," he said. Perseus hurriedly walked towards the door to his classroom. He wasn't late, luckily, the teacher came in two minutes later he entered.

At Camp Half-bloof, a frantic son of Hades was woken up with the sudden news he had gotten from their oracle.

"So you mean; Rachel has found Percy in her new school? Why hasn't he contacted us?" He wondered.

Will sighed. "For the last time Nico. From what Rachel told me, Percy is different now. She told me, Percy acted as if he didn't remember her. He acted way too normal. He has no idea who Rachel is."

"Has she even asked him?"

"Nico..." Will gave up.

"We have to go Will. We'll show up at their school and we will find Rachel so we could find Jackson," he said. Nico got up from the bed he slept and went outside. Will sighed for the last time, and went to follow his boyfriend.

After class, Rachel was greeted by Nico di Angelo and Will Solace as she was on her way outside. She stared at them and gave her a confusing look. She was about to say something before someone touched her shoulder and gave her a surprise.

"Dare! The person I was looking for," Perseus said. He looked at her before he turned his head toward the two demigods in front of him.

Perseus' eyes widened. He recognized those faces, he wasn't expecting that he would meet them here. Perhaps Rachel called them...

"I-I don't recognize you two from here. Are you new here or...?" He trailed off.

"P-Perseus. These are my friends. Nico and Will." Rachel introduced

"Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Perseus J. Blofis." Percy smiled.

Nico's eyes glared through the eyes of Perseus. "Well, I see that I am not wanted here. I'll see you tomorrow, Dare."

Perseus left the three standing in the middle of the hall way. Nico's eyes lingered on the retreating demigod before he sets his eyes back to Rachel and said, "a word. Now."

Will sighed and Rachel frowned. This would take long.


A short chapter. I'm not going to force myself in writing long chapters, that would lose me motivation.

VENGE   |  a R.R fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora