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It had been a few days since the incident and you had gotten word from the asylum that Scara had started improving strangely fast. Apparently ever since your visit he has been acting like a completely normal person.

"We'd like if you'd come in for an interview with the asylum owner you know discuss what you did to make him turn back to normal instantaneously." God you hated the word normal there was nothing wrong with not being normal, except maybe this situation.

"As I said before I didn't do anything I asked him a question maybe two and then he started ranting after that he-" you shuddered at the memory it made you feel nauseous.

"What questions?" You hear her fingers tapping against a keyboard trying to take notes.

"Just what he did and why." You sigh in annoyance as she clicks away as if you asked some ground breaking questions no one ever has.

"And he just answered?"  She chirps as if it's the first time she's heard even though you've told her hundreds of times by now.

"Yes. Now if you don't mind I have to be going-"

"Wait! Would you mind possibly coming in again...? For another interview with him we'll have more security-" you end the call before she finishes. There was no way in hell you were going back there- so why the hell are you grabbing your keys and looking up directions online?

As you walk into the facility the same front desk lady from the first time is typing away at her computer until she looks up her face lighting up immediately.

"Mrs. L/n!" She's says shock evident in her voice. "I didn't think you would come I was worried-"  The other lady at front desk clears her throat and the one you were talking to goes bright red. "R-Right sorry you can call me Ariana." She smiles politely as the other goes back to work. "I'll call his personal attendant to get you a meeting with him-" 

"I don't want to be near him. I'll talk to his attendant and doctor that's it." You say firmly. You came here to stop the calls not because you're curious... Right? She frowns but takes the answer well enough.

"Really it would be more helpful if you talked to him he really has improved-" she starts but stops when you shake up your head. "Alright just wait in the waiting room I'll get them here in a moment."  She makes a phone call and then puts the phone down as she taps the desk staring at the door.

Finally after a few minutes of awkward silence two doctor looking people come out with one or two guards trailing behind.

"Mrs. L/N?" He glances at the waiting room where you sit that only has 4 people.

"That's me." You say giving a small wave and smile as you stand up to greet him.

"It's truly an honor to meet such a prodigy. I've been working with Scaramouche since he was 16 and haven't even cracked his harsh exterior."  He smiles curtly as he waves his hand motioning for you to follow him.

As he guides you to an office you see people coming up to heavy metal doors like animals kept in zoos, they stare at you as you walk past there pupils big and dilated like there not fully here anymore.

"So... How old is Scaramouche now...?" You clear your throat which startles the doctor like he's on guard.

"He's 22, and you are...?" He asks though he gives some kind of vibe that hes either not interested or already did research on you.

"20 turning 21 in two months." There's a loud bang making you jump the guards bringing up there guns but it's just one of the mindless people banging against their door. The doctor starts trying to get you away quickly but something about it feels off. You realize the patient- no prisoner wasn't banging against the door they were repeatedly smashing there head against the hard metal and nobody seemed bothered. Nobody went to stop them, nobody at all.

"We need to get moving my office is just down the hall-" The doctors voice makes your head snap in his direction you felt your eyes pricking with tears from sheer disgust at such a horrid sight, was this really how they treated people? Let alone people are here for help. Holy shit what were you going to do? At this point it was obvious that you noticed the horrible conditions? What if they decide they can't let you go what if-

Sirens blare as red lights start flooding the halls. Curtling screams fill the tiny hallway as doors unlock and everyone you previously passed and everyone ahead started leaving their cells. The man that had been banging his head against the door had blood pooling out of a massive dent but it was like he didn't even notice it.

You shot up from your bed as the sound of your alarm clock floods your ears. Your breathe was in short quick pants as you notice your palm dripping with blood. You had dug your nails so deep into your palm they broke the skin. You wipe your eyes as you push your feet over the side of the bed and out of the warmth of your blankets. You hit the alarm clock and it immediately stops the annoyingly loud sound.

You stand up stretching as the vivid memories  of your dream make you wince and question if you should really be standing so close to your bed where someone could be hiding. Glancing up at the mirror you notice your face is red and damp from tears. You'd never cried in a dream- or nightmare before let alone scarred your hands and made them bleed.

You walk over to the bathroom and lazily grab a roll of gauze wrapping your hand knowing if your mom found out she would kill you because it would "ruin your skin". When you finally get out to your living room you notice your roommate leaning forward watching the Television intently.

"Morning Y/N, did you hear the news?" She seemed nervous as she chewed on her lip more subtle details you hadn't noticed when you first saw her were now becoming obvious. She looks like she hasn't slept hair was all screwed up- which it's never because she takes amazing care of herself. But she looks tarnished.

"No, what happened is everyone ok?" You quickly sit down next to her but at ad stops the news channel before you can see what's happening.

"That asylum you went too..."  She rolls her hand. "Apparently they were... Hurting and drugging patients, not to mention they'd let people... Do things to them. That's not even the worst of it..." She pauses taking in a deep breath. "Last night there was a breach and all the patients escaped except for a few who were shot and killed... And early this morning your boyfriend was found dead on campus."

My darling <3 (Scaramouche x reader) Where stories live. Discover now