Dial M for Merger

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/// Harold ///

"I always knew the producers were mean, but now I think they're actually trying to kill us! If you ask me, it's a conspiracy to-" He did not get to finish his sentence, for someone knocked him out.

/// End ///

". . .Not yet, you're not." I shrugged, which caused Beth to look up at me, sniffling while also trying not to resume sobbing. "When are we. . . going to?" "Hm. . . about now." I dropped the canister of sleeping gas into the trailer. "Bye!" I shut the window, and laughed quietly as I heard them panicking inside the trailer. And, then not too long later, they just passed out.

. . . We're gonna have to air that out later.


After dragging them to the set of the next challenge, with the help of some interns, and some unfavourable struggling, I was just standing against the wall, waiting for them to wake up. I mean, I'd also agreed to looking like a certain evil ex with the initials M.P, but that doesn't matter. It's ALL part of today's challenges.

[matthew patel mention??]

After a few more minutes, they finally started groaning, and I took that as a cue to let Chris know. So, after I did, Beth had accidentally elbowed Justin in the eye. "OW! MY EYE! MY BEAUTIFUL, UNINSURED EYE!" Turns out, he'd just gotten a black eye. "I- I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" Beth put a hand on his arm, only for him to pull away. "Gah-! I bruise easier than a Clingstone peach! Must prevent swelling-! I need ice! ICE!" 

He ran around looking for some, which I thought was pretty stupid. He pulled out his hand mirror, and began sobbing when he looked at himself. "I AM A HIDEOUS BEAST!" He fell to his knees, and covered his eye. "Nobody will ever hire me now. My modelling career is over. I'll have to go work in the circus as a. . . as one of those. . . circus freaks!"

"Hey! Where is my PDA!?" Courtney asked, looking around for it. Beth picked it up off of the ground, and tried to hand it to her, but Courtney got the complete wrong impression. "Aha! Trying to steal it again, I see!" "N-No! I was trying to give it back! Swearsies!" She pleaded with Courtney, but instead of accepting that, she signalled that she would keep her eyes on Beth.

That was about the moment that the hologram monitor switched on, and Chris was there, but the interns clearly didn't put as much effort into his outfit as they did mine. He was, uh, also petting. . . a cat. That. . . I think we found somewhere? Anyway, he laughed maniacally, before talking in a bad foreign accent.

He really wasn't living up to expectations here.

"Welcome to zhe cloak-and-dagger world of spy movies, man and woman." Duncan widened his eyes, before quickly furrowing his brows. "Dude, what's with the bad Jamaican accent?" Leshawna seemed to be offended at his clueless guess. "Jamaican?! More like Japanese!" And, Leshawna also turned it into this whole massive argument about what the accent was. "No, Swedish!" "French!" "Kinda sounds Italian to me. . ."

I glanced up at Chris with a raised brow, and he returned the look, before speaking in his normal voice. "Um, hellooo?! It's Russian, and I should know, because I am an act-or!" Duncan chuckled, folding his arms. "Really?" Chris did not answer that, and instead explained the challenges. "Any good spy in any good spy movie must have three essential skills. One. The ability to deactivate a bomb. Two, the ability to escape an exploding building. And three, the ability to fake an accent that makes people believe you actually speak the language! Like my fab Russian accent, mahn."

That cat's being moved around quite a lot. . .

. . . and I'm also pretty sure it's a mongrel. 

Total Drama Action (Lewis McLean)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt