45. - Ancient Fire and The Fire Prince.

Start from the beginning

The 2 Mages immediately cast constriction spells, binding down the Lava Lizard as much as possible, while Arfur, the archer of the party, began to fire off arrows at the creatures head, grabbing its attention.

The lava lizard roared loudly, before attempting to break through the binds that the mages had put up.
Eelio and Hucrel continued to make their way up the monsters back, before both leaping into the air, sending energy slices at the creatures head after wards.

The slices connected, dealing quite decent damage to it - however angering it even more as it finally broke out of the binds and knocked Eelio and Hucrel out of the air.

[Acra] "Eelio! Hucrel! You two okay!?"

[Avid] "Adina, go and heal them! Acra, Dein and Arfur, keep the monster distracted and focused on you!"

Avid stated, before shedding a slight sweat under his mask. This much struggle was a bit unreal for adventurers - even if the opponent was stronger than them.

Sure, the Greater Lava Lizard wasn't exactly a 'rookie' enemy, however it wasn't also extraordinary powerful either.

Adina quickly ran towards Eelio and Hucrel, while Acra and Dein began to cast spells at the creature, firing off Fire balls and Lightning bolts at it specifically - which grabbed its attention as the creature looked at the mages and roared loudly.

Arfur then began to fire a multitude of arrows at it, trying to pierce it's skin with each and every arrow, however that proved to be useless.

Upon reaching Eelio and Hucrel, Adina began to chant her healing spells incantation.

[Adina] "Oh holy one, please grant a blessing of healing to my target - Lesser Heal."

She chanted, before casting the healing spell onto the two warriors.
After the two had been healed up, Avid shouted their names.

[Avid] "We'll finish this now! Adina, cast a blessing spell on everyone! Then, the two warriors get the things attention - don't try and kill it, just distract it! Acra and Dein, you two focus all your power on casting your most powerful spells."

Avid stated the plan, before gesturing to Arfur to simply stay put for now, as he was the one that wouldn't be able to do much here.

Everyone began to follow Avid's instructions immediately - Adina quickly cast a
(Blessing of Holiness) spell on all her friends, then Eelio and Hucrel both charged at the Lava Lizard, grabbing it's attention within seconds, before proceeding to make sure its attention remained on them.

Lastly, Acra and Dein began their chants - preparing their most powerful spells.

A few moments passed and eventually, the two mages launched their spells at the lizard, as Eelio and Hucrel quickly leaped as far away from it as possible, while Adina cast a barrier around her.

The two mages spells were a massive fire tornado spell and a lighting storm spell, which engulfed the Lava Lizard and a few moments later, killed it, causing it to collapse to the ground in defeat.

    After the monster was defeated, the party of adventurers came all together, before celebrating the victory a bit - however none of them were very energetic about it, since all of them were very, very exhausted.

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