🌲Chapter Four🌲

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The passage of time grew impossibly slow and Lake'Feathers blood ran cold. After Snow'paw came to her for help against the sudden attack, she took off sprinting towards the battle. It wasn't long before she heard the snarling and yowls of both her clanmates and enemies. Why anyone would want to attack Ivy'Clan was a mystery to her; she as well as the rest of her clan had tried to live peacefully ever since Brown'Star became leader.

Lake'Feather broke through the entrance to Ivy'Clans camp and slid to a stop, the soft soil and moss that blanketed the floor getting kicked up in the process. The sight before her was gruesome. Her clanmates were severely outnumbered, it seemed as though cats from every other clan had come to attack them. A loud hiss of pain caught Lake'Feathers attention and she spun around quickly. Bee'Fur, a short haired red spotted tabby she-cat with hazel eyes from Heather'Clan, was currently battling aggressively Night'Stripe, an Ivy'Clan warrior with short fur, and gold eyes. Bee'Fur had Night'Stripe pinned on his back with her back paws digging into his stomach. Night'Stripe had his paws pressed against her chest to keep her head away from his throat, though she kept snapping down like some savage beast.

Ice cold fear rushed through Lake'Feathers veins and chilled her to her very core. Was Bee'Fur trying to kill Night'Stripe? A warrior, no matter the clan, should never take another cat's life. It was one of the biggest things mentors were supposed to teach their apprentices. Pushing herself into action, Lake'Feather sprinted towards the fight. Her body barreled into Bee'Furs body hard, knocking her down and out of the way. Bee'Fur gasped as she hit the floor and hissed in pain and anger. Taking what little time she had, Lake'Feather glanced towards Night'Stripe and flattened her ears. Night'Stripe was struggling to stand, and blood was dripping heavily from a wound on his stomach. Night'Stripe met Lake'Feathers gaze for a few seconds before nodding once and hobbling off towards the shadows where, hopefully, Honey'whisker would be waiting.

Lake'Feather returned her attention to Bee'Fur just as she pushed herself back to her paws. Her sides were heaving as she took deep, heavy breaths, and her gaze was sharp with hatred.
"Why are you doing this? What has Ivy'Clan done to deserve such an attack!" Lake'Feather yowled in desperation, the battle sounds around her growing louder. More cats spilled into the clearing, Ivy'Clan was heavily outnumbered. "You were aiming to kill Night'Stripe! You as a warrior should know that killing another cat is against the warrior code-"

Bee'Fur lunged forward and swiped her claws down Lake'Feathers face, effectively cutting her sentence off as she snarled in annoyance. "Warrior code? Please! You and your clan are despicable. Not once have you helped anyone else in need, we had cats dying because your selfish leader didn't want to share any herbs!" Lake'Feather winced at the sudden pain from the attack and gnashed her teeth. Bee'Fur didn't give her a chance to retaliate before she attacked again, but this time Lake'Feather was ready. Just as Bee'Fur lunged, Lake'Feather dropped down and, as Bee'Fur grew closer, shoved herself off the ground. Her body slammed into Bee'Furs and they both barreled into the ground with as much force as she could manage. As they landed, Lake'Feather swiveled and dug her shoulder into Bee'Furs stomach, only satisfied when she heard a gasp of pain from her attacker. Now with an advantage, Lake'Feather began her own attack on the Heather'Clan scum. With claws digging into flesh, the two she-cats tussled and spat at each other with enough venom to kill a full grown warrior. After receiving a rather harsh bite to her tail, Bee'Fur yowled in fury and glared at Lake'Feather before turning and running off into the undergrowth with wounds that covered her body in aching masses.

Now able to continue fighting for her clan, Lake'Feather turned and charged at her next opponent, a warrior of Nimbus'Clan. The warrior, Numb'Fang, a short haired, red mackerel tabby tom with hazel eyes, was currently facing her clan mate Storm'Whisker, a white and brown tabby with a crooked tail. Storm'Whiskers sides were heaving heavily, and an angry open wound was pouring blood from his side. Pushing herself to go faster, Lake'Feather had almost reached the two cats before she felt a heavy weight barrel into her. She let out a sharp hiss and slashed her claws at the cat who attacked her, though her claws barely scraped down the ends of their fur. She soon felt teeth digging into her flank, then into her skin. They sunk down further, as if the attacker was making it known that they would show no mercy. With a yowl of anger, Lake'Feather slashed her claws again and was momentarily pleased that they had connected with the other cats head. With all of her might, Lake'Feather raked her claws down the other cats face in hopes of making them loosen their grip.

The cat let out a cry of pain and released Lake'Feather, allowing her to stumble back as they shook the blood from their eyes. The cat that had attacked her was revealed to be an apprentice of Nimbus'Clan. She assumed that they had seen her charging at the warrior from their clan and wanted to intervene before she could stop the fight from escalating. The apprentice, Spider'Paw, a black spotted tabby tom with long fur and amber eyes, was glaring heavily at Lake'Feather with teeth bared in an almost silent snarl. A pang of pity swept over Lake'Feather as she got a good look at the younger cat. They were small and thin, and their fur was dark with blood. Though none of it appeared to be theirs.

"Spider'Paw, why are you doing this?!" Lake'Feather meowed, her eyes pleading with him to stop his attack. It was clear her words weren't reaching him, though, as he attacked her only seconds after she spoke. Spider'paws eyes blazed with the fury and excitement of battle and with a ferocious hiss he leapt forward, his claws unsheathed and aiming directly for Lake'Feathers throat. Her blood ran cold when she realized that this apprentice was trying to kill her. At the last moment, Lake'Feather pushed herself onto her hind legs and brought herself down heavily, her paws pushing down on the apprentices back hard. His body hit the ground with a heavy thud and he gasped as the air was knocked out of him. Despite the lack of air in his lungs, Spider'Paw released a yowl of anger and thrashed around beneath her. To keep her grip on him, Lake'Feather dug her claws into his back and hissed, "Spider'Paw, stop!"

Another cat slammed into Lake'Feathers side, knocking her off of Spider'Paw in the process. She tumbled away and as her body came to a halt, her head slammed into a rock that jutted out of the ground. Her vision swam, with black creeping in from the corners of her eyes. She could just barely make out the form of Spider'Paw and the other cat walking towards her, but she felt too weak to move. Pain was pounding within her head, and even if she made the slightest movement it grew worse. Her claws dug into the ground beneath them as she prepared for the inevitable, the final blow.

Lake'Feather knew she wouldn't be able to take on the two cats. At least, not with the head wound she had just received. A low growl met her ears, though the sound appeared distant and fuzzy. With one last glance upward, Lake'Feather met the cold gaze of Quiet'star, leader of Nimbus'Clan, before he raised his body and came down fast, slamming his paws onto her head.

It was then that everything turned black.


A/N: hey all! I know it's been a bit since I've updated. I got two jobs so I'm pretty much worked out lol. I just want to thank those of you who stuck around and waited for the next chapter.

Sorry that this is a short one! It's my first time doing a fighting scene.

Don't forget to vote, follow and add the story to your reading list! Chapter five will be out soon. ❤️

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