🌲Chapter Three🌲

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"Lakefeather, you take the land by the stream near the training grounds. Weevilfang, you take the area closest to Heatherclan, but be careful. I know that you're a capable and competent warrior, but with tensions high I don't want to risk any harm coming to you. Rednose, you and Bramblepaw take the area along the border of Hawthornclan. My warning stays the same for you, be careful and if you scent anything come back and alert me or Brownstar. I expect each of you to catch at least two prey while you are out." Cloudshine stood before the group of cats and looked at each one as she spoke. In unison, they all nodded before breaking apart. They began heading in their opposite directions to hunt for their clan, Lakefeather could hear Bramblepaw meowing excitedly to his mentor. The warm air felt good on Lakefeather's body and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in a warm ray of sunshine, but she had a job to do and she had no plans of letting Cloudshine down.

The morning had not long passed; the air was cool and gentle, and it carried the scent of mice and rabbits. Lakefeather's left ear twitched at the sound of a squirrel scurrying up a tree, but she ignored it and continued to prowl the forest until she reached her destination. As she neared the training grounds Lakefeather picked up on the sound of two voices.

"Your balance is off again, Snowpaw. You've got the crouch down, but when you move you're swaying too much- its causing your movements to become too unbalanced. Here, watch me again." Lakefeather moved silently through the undergrowth and peered out at the two cats. Sandfoot, a sandy-blonde she-cat with striking yellow eyes and white paws, was standing in the hunters crouch. Her paws were positioned expertly beneath her and, as she moved forward, her steps were as silent as a mouse. The length of her tail was straight, helping to keep her balance. Snowpaw, a young tom with long white hair and kind yellow eyes, watched his mentor with a sour look. He scuffed at the ground with a paw and growled, "What's the point, Sandfoot? With the color of my fur, I probably won't be able to catch anything anyways." Lakefeather felt a pang of pity in her heart for the young apprentice.

"Don't you think I've faced the same struggles, Snowpaw?" Sandfoot questioned sharply after turning to face him. Snowpaw shrank under her frustrated gaze and she sighed. Lakefeather, as if sensing that the she-cat didn't know how to properly help her apprentice, and out of worry that Sandfoot would only worsen his confidence, took a step forward. "Your white pelt will be very good for the clan when leaf-bare comes. Compared to a cat like me, your white pelt will blend in nicely with the snow. While we struggle to stay hidden during such a harsh season, you won't." Snowpaw spun around to face Lakefeather with a surprised expression. Sandfoot merely met Lakefeather's gaze with annoyance. Feeling embarrassed for cutting in, the she-cat dipped her head and swished her tail slowly. "My apologies, I was just passing through when I overheard. I can't stay long, though. I'm off to hunt." Lakefeather and Sandfoot had never really seen eye to eye. Though they were litter mates, Sandfoot seemed to go out of her way to ignore Lakefeather or make snide remarks.

Lakefeather sent a kind look to Snowpaw who looked at her with gratitude. Lakefeather was nearly tempted to stay and support the apprentice, but thought better of it. Sandfoot muttered something under her breath and watched as Lakefeather trotted away into the undergrowth but the she-cat paid no mind and continued on her way.

The rest of the walk towards the stream was short, and as she grew closer to the water she could feel the soil soften beneath her paw pads. The gentle sound of water trickling down the stream met her ears and filled her with a sense of peace. Now that she was at her destination, Lakefeather prepared to hunt. She closed her eyes and parted her jaws to allow the warm scents of prey to reach the glands on the roof of her mouth. She immediately caught the scent of mice, a faint scent of squirrel, and the sweet scent of chipmunk. The sound of a woodpecker knocking its beak into a tree filled the silence of the forest and pushed Lakefeather into action. Her slender body lowered into a crouch, with her paws positioned beneath her and her tail dangerously low to the ground, but never touching a single blade of grass.

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