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You know the time when you try to start something and then you end up deleting it all.

Oh yeah that was me since the last post. Hmm sorry but not sorry at the same time.

I'm sorry to you the dear reader and me as a writer. Why may you ask, well simple it wasn't my usual B effort nor was it planned.

Say I start writing something and next thing I know I'm falling asleep or having to go do something. You'd think I have learned to save by now.

Nope I did learn it in middle/high school but did it carry over to now. No it did not.

Let me show you what would happen.

First I would type over 400 to 1000 words and fall asleep or would set my phone down. My phone would reset or I'd go to another page before thinking about saving. When I'd remember to save well guess what..

The post I would be working on would be gone ...deleted ...lost to void of the digital dumpster.

So guess what I'm relearning again... for the the love of butts please save...

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