Ch. 7| Self Reflection

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"Go home if you are not going to study," I spoke through my gritted teeth, keeping my volume as low as possible.

It had been a good number of minutes since Heeseung rested his head down on the table, facing my side and kept on staring at me. I tried to stay unbothered to not giving him any attention but it did not work at all.

"Why are you dating him?"

"The fuck?" My eyebrows were knitted together as my voice slightly raised. I was taken aback by the audacity of the man sitting next to me.

My reaction somehow did not surprise him at all. Instead it made him raise his head and lean towards me.

"Be honest, Ryu Jiah. You don't have to play this shit act with me if you honestly answer. Then I will leave you alone. Why are you dating this Park Sunghoon?"

All of a sudden, words got stuck in my throat. The air felt heavier as I gathered up my strength to deeply scoff at him. "He is your teammate! One of your friends. How can you refer to him so disrespectfully?"

The male smirked, cocking his head to the side. "Did you perhaps," he spoke, leaning dangerously close to me. I could feel his harsh breath on my lips. I kept my glare fixated into his eyes.

His eyes are so attractive to the point that it feels unfair to be not able to drown into them.

"Did you perhaps start dating him just to get close to me?"

I weakly exhaled looking down, as soon as he finished the sentence.

"Like there's no other reason. Sure he must be handsome and pestered you to date him but you don't like him, right? Everyone knows that, including Sunghoon."

"You are a jerk, Lee."

I got up from my seat and packed my books before turning on my heels to leave. But Heeseung spoke again, making me hault in my tracks.

"Don't force yourself to like him, Ryu. If you just wanna waste time with him, that's okay. Having fun with him, hooking up with him, everything is okay but lying to yourself isn't. You don't like him, admit it."

For one second, I thought about turning around but I resisted myself from doing that. Shaking my head, I internally scolded myself before finally leaving the library.

I instantly went to a balcony to breath in some fresh air. As much as I was yearning to see his pretty face, I couldn't hear him talking rubbish anymore.


I glanced around to see if there was someone I knew as if I would get caught for even thinking about this.

What if he is right?

"There she is," Sunghoon's voice made me turn around, "The most beautiful girl in the campus."

"What do you mean?" I asked, laughing. "Jay was searching for someone to recruit for the female protagonist of the play," Sunghoon replied.

"And?" I peered and my boyfriend was standing by my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I obviously suggested the hottest queenka of our campus, Ryu Jiah."

I was still shocked when Sunghoon pulled me in for a kiss. I immediately kissed him back but it was cut short by Jay speaking, "I also think you are perfect for the character, Jiah. What do you say?"

"But I can't act," I confessed with a nervous laugh. "Why? You had said, you were in acting school before."

"But that was long ago when I was a child." Jay assured you, "Then you will do just fine. Nobody else even have any experience."

Sunghoon's frown got replaced by a smile. "See? I told you."

I sheepishly smiled at both of them, not knowing how to reject to these hopeful faces. Suddenly Heeseung's words played in my mind again and I tried to get rid of these extra thoughts.

I'm sure he's just trying to manipulate me.

"Fine, I will do it," I replied, causing Sunghoon
to kiss me again. "You are a lifesaver, babe."

The car ride to my house was silent as I was reading the previous lecture slides for the upcoming tests on my phone as pdf and so Sunghoon decided to not talk to me in order to help me focus.

As if it was too much to ask for, my focus was lost anyway due to a new message popping up in my notification bar.


Heard Sunghoon's driving
you home. How sweet! :'D

I obviously ignored his text but that did not stop him. I just hoped for Sunghoon to not see these.

Delivered but no reply?
What are you so busy
doing? Fooling yourself?

Fuck you >_<

My short reply made it quiet for a while. Is he taken aback? I smiled victoriously. Good for him. But my peace was soon ruined by his reply.

Chill out, Jiah.
You wanna do that
from the very first day
you've met me <3

I accidentally facepalmed myself out of frustration, worrying Sunghoon as well.

"Something is wrong, babe?" He asked, glancing over at me. "No." I frivolously shook my head. "I'm fine. This topic is not very easy," I replied, showing him the pdf.

He smiled at me reassuringly. "I'm sure you will figure it out."

I also want to figure it out , Sunghoon.


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