~ Chapter Two ~

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It's been a year and a half of living with the Joestars, and you were now around 12 years old. You and your father had become desperate in finding a place of your own recently, but you stay grateful for Mr. Joestars persistence to have you whilst you wait to find a place. You got up and got dressed, putting on a nice cream coloured dress and your favourite brown boots that Jonathan had given you last year for your birthday. With a skip in your step, you hurry down the stairs to meet Jojo, waiting in the corridors for you.

This particular day was bright and the world seemed colourful, yet you couldn't help but have a cold feeling about the day, as if the happy sun was a lie for how this day would play out.

"Good morning, (Y/N)!" Jojo smiled at you, it has been clear that the boy had developed some feelings for you over the small while you have lived together, but you were also aware that another woman was also on his mind. Erina, you three had all started hanging out, and Jojo would always get flustered around the girl. You could tell he was conflicted on who to like out of the two of you, but you didn't mind that he liked Erina too.

Sure, you had a crush on Jojo, but it wasn't anything big, and you would be happy with whatever option he picked.

"Good morning," you hummed softly and curtseyed lightly. Over the year, your manners have increased greatly, with your father being strict on being polite to the joestars as well as anybody else. "Say, Jojo..." You begin, in wonder."Isn't today the day your father said we will be having a new resident?" You look to him curiously.

"Oh yeah!" He hummed with a smile."I can't wait to meet them, " he said with joy at the idea of having a new friend.

You giggled at his cheerfulness over a stranger, yet there it was again... that cold feeling... that sick feeling... the feeling like today wouldn't be what it seemed. You shrugged it off and headed to the door with your close friend, having plans to wander the garden until the new stranger arrived.

Unfortunately, your plans with the blue haired boy were cut off as a carriage sped up to the mansion and abruptly stopped. You stood by the door as Mr. Joestar and your father also approached the door. The carriage door then swung open, a Male seemingly the same age as you and Jojo jumping from the carriage onto the stone pavement.

You stared a bit as you took in the being ahead, his golden locks shimmering and his gorgeous eyes darting from the ground over to Jojo who had run over and bowed before reaching out his hand foe the other male. "Hello! You must be Dio Brando, right? He said with joy.

The boy huffed a bit and glared at his hand. "And you're Jonathan. Heir to the Joestars, " he stated, his voice just as angelic as his looks.

"Yes! But please call me Jojo" he smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Lost in a trance as you watched this gorgeous stranger talk to your friend. You didn't even realise Danny running up to greet him, too.

"Danny!" Called Jojo."Dio, this is my dog-" but suddenly, he was cut off as Dio slams his foot into Danny's face. You gasped a bit, startled. "Hey! What do you think of yourself!" You shout out, running over to the poor dog you loved so much. This draws Dio's gaze over towards you before looking back to Jojo, who is now squared up and pissed.

"Boys!" Called Mr. Joestar, who was at first talking to a maid, not seeing the commotion. "I see you're already fighting," he sighs. "I can only guess why," he says, looking to You and Danny on the floor.

Dio hastily turned to Mr. Joestar and bowed politely. "I am so very apologetic. The dog jumped at me and startled me. Out of reflex, I struck it." He stated, not seeming phased at all.

You looked up at him, holding Danny to see an evil grin plastered on his face as he bowed. You couldn't help but bite back your tongue to not cuss him out, in fear of not being seen as lady like.

You then look to Mr. Joestar, who gestures for you all to enter the manor. Standing, you do as told, leaving Danny to regain a steady posture on his own. You watch as Kojo walks ahead of you, too angered to want to look at Dio any longer.

This left Dio walking inside with you, looking to you then down at your attire he smirks. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of knowing your name, My lady," he hums, the amusement of how obviously annoyed you are laced in his tone.

"It's (Y/N)." You say quietly, not making eye contact with him. You hear him chuckle as he walks in with you and stands by you and Jojo.

"Consider yourself family now," Mr. Joestar states, turning to the maids, waiters, and butlers all lined behind everyone. "If not for his father, I would have died in the crash with my wife," he states.

You watch intently, your hands clamped together. You then turn your gaze to Dio for a second to see him already looking at you. This causes a huge shade of red to flood your cheeks as you quickly look away.

"Treat Dio as you would (Y/N) and Jonathan." Mr.Joestar continues. "Dio, this is your home now as much as it is mine. Please accommodate yourself however you see fit."

Dio smiles and nods. "Thank you kindly, Mr. Joestar"

After that whole ceremony thingy you all part ways leaving just you, Dio and Jojo in the corridor.

You watch as Dio gazes apon the artefact on the wall above the stairs. Jojo, feeling bad now for being so mad at Dio, leans down to help him with his bags. Hastily, Dio grabs him by his wrist.

You gasp and run over, grabbing at Dio's arm. "Let him go! Can't you tell that's hurting him?!" You screamed.

"Do not touch my stuff with your filthy hands!" He growled, eyes dead set on Jojo. He finally let go, noticing you still had a grip on his arm. He looked to you and smirked, pulling you in close by the arm you were holding.

You stumbled forward and leant up on his chest a bit. He then leaned down and whispered something into your ear before shoving you away and leaving with his suitcase all before Jojo could react.

"What did he say?" Jojo asked. A small hint of jealousy burned behind his baby blues as he rubbed his wrist a bit. You stood in place, frozen and red. God, that Idiot! You cursed him in your mind.

"Nothing..." You said softly, keeping your lady like composure as you fixed your posture and quietly left to your room.

~Dio's POV~

"Do not touch my stuff with your filthy hands!" I growled at the pathetic man before me as I felt my arm tighten, but I took no notice to it, only thinking about different ways I could ruin Jojos' life here and now.

That dumb bastard! Who does he think he is, touching what's mine? Letting his wrist go, I finally pay mind to the grip on my arm and look to the girl. (Y/N). I smirk and yank her into me, wrapping a sneaky hand around her waist. Leaning down to her height i softly whispered at her ear. "You look gorgeous when you're mad~" I purred into her ear, amused at how factly she turns red. I let her go and walk off to my room with my stuff.

That girl. She is my first step to ruining Jojo.


Author's Note

Wooooo! Dio chapterrrrr!!

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