~ Chapter One ~

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In a meadow full of daisies, two small children played. A girl and a boy. The girl ran around, giggling cheerfully as the boy followed after, a wide grin decorating his face. It was apparent the two were close. Even to watch at a distance, one would assume they were lovers.

"Jojo! Catch me!" The girl laughed, holding her dress to allow her to run faster. The boy grins and speeds up, tackling her unto the meadow.

"You can't run anymore, (Y/N)" the boy, known as Jonathan, giggled to his best friend. The girl then grabbed at his head and rolled over him

"Is that a challenge?" She exclaimed as she freed herself and ran off from him once more. The boy hastily got up and followed after her. She stopped by a tree and sat down, now panting breaths out to try and gain more air.

"These are my favourite flowers, you know?" She smiled and looked at Jojo as he sat beside her.

"I know." His smile was as big as hers, almost mirroring her. "Though it is getting late into the day, we should go back soon." The girl nodded.

"Yes, our fathers must be worried by now," she huffed and stood, wiping off her dress. "Race you there, Jojo." she looked back at the boy and grinned before taking off in the direction of Jojo's house. The boy laughed a bit and ran after her.

After just a few minutes, the two made it back. The girl stopped a few meters before the mansion, looking up at it.

"You know, Jojo... your father's mansion is much flashier than our old one." (Y/N) whispered in awe, staring upwards at the intricate detailing and gorgeous designs.

"Come on, you two!" They hear a voice call out from the doors. Looking over, they see it was their father's, George Joestar, and (Dad's/name).

"Coming, father!" Jojo exclaimed, running up to them. (Y/N) followed the boy at a regular pace, too tired from all the running. As the two best friends entered the large corridor, the smell of pork and vegetables (if you have different food preferences, feel free to change that <3) filled the mansion.

The small girl's mouth watered at the thought of food. Even though she was a young lady in training, she couldn't help herself around food. She had quite the fiesty appetite, and it often would make her mother jealous of her fast metabolism. Though the girl didn't like to think about her mother much.

"Come to the dining room, it's almost dinner time, children" (Y/N)'s father hums with a warm and charming smile.

(Y/N) and jojo walked to the dining area and sat next to each other as the Joestar maids presented the steaming plates before them. With thoughtful mannerisms, Jonathan waited for their father's to sit and eat first, whereas the young lady couldn't help but dig in straight away.

"Seems somebody is hungry." Mister Joestar laughed, watching his friend's child happily chow down, picking up his own cutlery.

"Dear, where have the manners you learnt in your last classes gone?" (D/N) sighs as he starts to eat as well, followed by Jojo.

With a mouth full of carrots, she looks up at them and huffs. "Oh shush, I am very hungry," She replied, slightly red from embarrassment.

"So, (D/N), how are you two liking the town? Have you found anywhere that is of interest in town?" Mr. Joestar asked. (D/N) sighs a bit.

"Not quite yet... there aren't many options left in town, we might have to look in another town soon if we can't find a place soon..." he looks away, shadowing over his eyes. "If only (Mothers Name) hadn't been so difficult... then we wouldn't need to burden you, George -" George holds his hand up, to interrupt his sorrows

"Now, now, don't be ridiculous, I've known you since we were 16, (D/N)" Jojos father says sternly "please, you are welcome a stay for as long as you need" he insists.

(Y/N)'s father looks to him. "You have no idea how much we... I appreciate you, George, " he mumbles.

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about this topic over tea, though," George hums, directing (D/N)'s eyes towards the small girl across the table.

Her eyes laid low, staring at her plate that was still half full. It was clear the topic of her mother upset her. Jojo looked over and put a hand on her shoulder in a small gesture of comfort.

(D/N) coughs a bit and nods, returning to his food. After some silence, the girl gasps a bit suddenly, looking under the table and giggling. Jojo follows her gaze and giggles along, too. Mr. Joestar and Mr. (D/N) peaked under to see a medium-sized black and white dog lapping up the girls arm joyfully linking some pork juice off of her.

"Danny, you aren't allowed in here!" The boy exclaims cheerfully. A maid then rushes over, shooing the dog back out into the yard. (Y/N) smiles a bit and wipes her arm on one of the napkins provided from where Danny had licked her.

"You have quite a lively dog, Mr. Joestar." She says softly.

"Oh no, he isn't mine, Jonathan was the one who begged to keep him," the tall, blue haired man says with a smile, looking to his son. Jojo smiles.

"And I'm glad I did because he's awesome!" The boy exclaims with cheer.
The four of you then finish up your food and politely go separate ways to your rooms, getting ready for the end of the day, to rest in your designated rooms.

Jojo finishes putting on his comfortable sleepwear when he hears a knock on his door. Going towards the door, he opens it to see his beloved friend standing there. "I'm not tired yet, Jojo, may I sit in here with you until I am?" The girl asks softly.

He nods, stepping aside for her to enter. As she walks in, he gently closes the door and sits on his plush bed, one that was clearly muxh too big for a child.

"So..." the girl says and looks at him, not sure what to talk about. The boy sat beside her and had a moment of quiet before piping up.

"Would now be an appropriate time to ask about why you and your father are staying here?" He asks gently but then gets flustered."Not that I don't want you guys here! I do! ... I'm just... curious"

The girl smiles a bit at the boys nervousness and looks to her lap. "No, it's ok, Jojo... It's just....My mother..." she starts.

"She has never really been the nicest to my father... or to me at that. Her and father always fight, and she often ends up trying to hurt him." She frowns a little, looking away.

Jojo frowns "Thats horrible!" He looks away then back to the girl. "She... doesn't hit you, though... right?" He says. The girl stays quiet for a bit, tears welling in her eyes.

"When father isn't there... yeah..." her voice is quivering and quiet. "Most of the fights they have are about me... and how she wishes that I was never born to take away her beauty..."

Jojo watches, his eyes wide in both anger and concern. "That woman is evil..." he grumbles and puts a hand on her back "but it's ok, you're with us now, so you don't have to worry about her" he pauses "So does that mean your parents have split now? Is that why you are looking for a new place?"

The girl nods softly, a tear falling from her shadowed face and into her lap. "I hate her, Jojo..." she mumbles with a saddened tone. The boy watches and rubs her back, listening to her and comforting her. Jojo couldn't help but feel annoyance towards the woman who has made his dearest friend cry. Eventually, the waterworks stop, and they both lay down. Falling asleep hugging each other.


Authors Note

Woo! The first chapter is mostly done? Anyways, uhhh, I'm new to jojo, so please, I'm sorry if anything is incorrect to the storyline.

Daisies - [Dio x Reader x Jonathan] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant