Unlikely Connection • AYJ

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Male Reader X Ahn Yu Jin (EX-IZ*ONE / IVE)

Genre: Fluff

Words: 2553

Ahn Yujin nervously adjusted her glasses as she walked into her English class, her eyes flicking around the room as she sought out her usual corner. As she settled into her seat, she couldn't help but overhear the whispers of her classmates. They were all abuzz about the upcoming project, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of anxiety. She was not the most outgoing person, and group projects were always a challenge for her. However, little did she know that this particular project would change her life in unexpected ways.

The teacher, Mr. Park, clapped his hands to get the class's attention. "Alright, settle down, everyone. I hope you're all ready to work on your next project. I've randomly assigned pairs for this one."

Yujin's heart sank as she waited to hear her name called. She knew that she would be paired with someone who would likely overshadow her, making her feel even more insignificant than she already did.

"Y/n, you're with Ahn Yujin," Mr. Park announced, and Yujin's eyes widened. Y/n was the star of the school's soccer team, known for his cocky attitude and his popularity. Yujin slumped in her seat, dreading the thought of working with someone so different from her.

Y/n, on the other hand, grinned confidently as he swaggered over to Yujin's desk. "Looks like we're stuck together, nerd. Hope you can keep up," he said with a smirk, and Yujin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Throughout the next few days, Y/n and Yujin struggled to find common ground. Y/n wanted to take charge and do things his way, while Yujin, though timid, knew what she was doing when it came to academics. Y/n would often push her aside, saying, "I know what I'm doing, Yujin. Just let me handle it."

As they worked on their project in the school library one afternoon, Yujin couldn't hold back her frustration any longer. "Y/n, I've read up on this topic extensively, and I really think that—"

"I know what I'm doing, Yujin," Y/n interrupted, his tone dismissive. "Just let me handle it, okay?"

Yujin bit her lip, feeling her annoyance rise. "But—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Y/n's phone buzzed with a message from one of his teammates, and he quickly excused himself, leaving Yujin alone at the table. She sighed, feeling exasperated by his dismissive attitude.

As the days turned into weeks, something unexpected started to happen. Y/n began to notice Yujin's intelligence and dedication to their project. He saw how she would carefully consider every aspect, and he couldn't help but be impressed. Slowly, he began to appreciate her quiet determination and the way she stood her ground, even in the face of his brashness.

One day, as they sat in the school courtyard working on their project, a group of Y/n's friends approached them. One of them, a tall and imposing figure, sneered at Yujin. "What's a loser like you doing with Y/n? You're just holding him back."

Y/n bristled at the insult, but before he could respond , Yujin stood up, her eyes wide with fear. She wasn't used to confrontation, especially with someone as intimidating as Y/n's friend. However, before she could say anything, Y/n stepped in between them, his expression fierce.

"Leave her alone," Y/n said, his voice low and dangerous. "She's my partner, and she's more capable than you think."

The friend scoffed, but before he could say anything else, Y/n took a step forward, his fists clenched. "I mean it. Back off."

The friend hesitated, clearly taken aback by Y/n's sudden protectiveness over Yujin. After a tense moment, he and his friends backed away, muttering to each other. Yujin watched in astonishment as Y/n turned back to her, his usual cocky demeanor replaced by a softer, more genuine expression.

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