Lean on me • KTY

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Male Reader X Kim Tae Yeon (SNSD)

Genre: Fluff 

Words: 778


Once upon a time, in the glimmering world of K-pop, there was a young woman named Taeyeon. She was a radiant member of the iconic girl group Girls' Generation, known for her powerful vocals and mesmerizing stage presence. Taeyeon's voice had the ability to move mountains and touch hearts, but behind her dazzling smile, she carried a heavy burden.

One day, during a break from their busy schedules, Taeyeon found herself wandering the streets of Seoul alone. The weight of fame and expectations bore down on her, threatening to suffocate her true self. As she walked, her steps became heavier, mirroring the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Lost in her thoughts, Taeyeon stumbled upon a small, hidden café. Intrigued, she stepped inside, hoping to find solace within its walls. The café was a haven of warmth and tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaotic world she inhabited.

As Taeyeon settled into a corner table, she noticed a familiar face sitting across from her. It was a young man named Y/n, an aspiring musician who had always admired her from afar. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, recognizing the idol he had watched on television countless times.

Unable to contain his excitement, Y/n approached Taeyeon timidly. "Excuse me, are you Taeyeon from Girls' Generation?"

Taeyeon smiled softly, her eyes revealing a deep longing for connection. "Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet you."

Y/n hesitated for a moment before gathering his courage. "Your music has always touched my soul. Your voice has this incredible ability to express emotions in a way that resonates with people. But... are you okay?"

The question lingered in the air, heavy with unspoken understanding. Taeyeon's smile faltered, and a flicker of vulnerability danced in her eyes. "Sometimes, being an idol feels like a double-edged sword. I love what I do, but the pressure and expectations can be overwhelming. It's hard to find my own voice amidst the noise."

Y/n nodded, empathizing with her struggles. "I can only imagine how challenging that must be. But remember, your authenticity shines through your music. It's what draws people to you, including me."

Taeyeon's heart skipped a beat at his words. In that moment, she felt seen and understood in a way she had longed for. They continued to talk, sharing their dreams, their fears, and their aspirations. Y/n's unwavering support and genuine interest in her as a person touched Taeyeon's soul in ways she couldn't explain.

Days turned into weeks, and their connection deepened. Taeyeon found herself seeking refuge in Y/n's presence, feeling free to be her true self without the weight of her idol persona. Y/n became her confidant, a pillar of strength during her moments of vulnerability. They laughed, they cried, and they created music together, their voices blending in perfect harmony.

But as their bond grew stronger, Taeyeon's fears resurfaced. She worried that her tumultuous life in the spotlight would inevitably bring chaos and heartache into Y/n's world. She couldn't bear the thought of being a source of pain for someone she cared about deeply.

One evening, on a moonlit rooftop, Taeyeon found herself standing before Y/n, her heart heavy with a decision she had made. Tears welled up in her eyes as she mustered the strength to speak her truth.

"I can't let myself become a burden to you, Y/n. My life as an idol is chaotic, and I don't want to drag you into that storm. I'm afraid I'll be bad for your business."

Y/n's eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. He stepped forward, cupping her face gently in his hands. "Taeyeon, our connection is so much deeper than any external circumstances. I fell in love with the person behind the idol, with your strength, vulnerability, and passion. I want to face the storm with you, not because of any business, but because I choose you."

Taeyeon's breath caught in her throat, her heart torn between fear and love. But in that moment, she realized that love was meant to be embraced, even in the face of uncertainty. Y/n's unwavering support and belief in her gave her the strength to let go of her fears and trust in their connection.

Together, they braved the challenges that lay ahead, hand in hand. Taeyeon continued to shine on stage, her voice resonating with audiences around the world. And in Y/n's arms, she found the refuge she had always longed for, a safe haven where she could be Taeyeon, the woman behind the idol.

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