Chapter Eight: 1 AM

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The once awkward silence as Alex and Harper made their way south in the city had officially become companionable. Every so often one of them would ask a question to learn more about each other, but otherwise, they were content to just enjoy each other's company. Harper had an arm looped around Alex's and Alex was over the moon with having Harper so close. With each passing breeze, he was delighted with the smell of her perfume wafting up from her hair. How had he missed it that morning?

There was a distant murmur of laughter and music that was nearby that made Harper stand up a little straighter as they walked. Noticing that Harper was curious, Alex moved them in the direction of the sound, turning a corner where a bright neon sign spelling out "Karaoke Lounge" was beckoning them.

Harper's eyes sparkled with excitement when she spotted the sign.

"Alex, look!" Harper said, tugging on Alex's arm. "A karaoke bar! What do you think about making a quick stop and adding some music to our night? That diner was oddly suspect without an old jukebox."

Alex grinned at Harper's enthusiasm. Caught up in her excitement and the spontaneity of the idea, he shrugged. "Sure, why not? It's been ages since I've done something like karaoke."

Harper did a little tippy-tap dance with her feet right where they stood with her joy and excitement. She pulled Alex toward the karaoke bar like an overexcited dog pulling their owner on a leash. When they stepped through the door, they were met with bright, lively tunes in the dimly lit room. The bar was alive with colorful lights and happy, animated conversations. There was a large crowd, some seated at tables with drinks or at the bar, while others eagerly awaited their turn at the microphone, laughing raucously and embracing the energy.

"Come on!" Harper said, more insistent with her pulling as she dragged Alex over to the songbook near the stage. Her imagination was running wild with the possibilities as she quickly flipped through the pages. What could they sing? "Anything in particular you're thinking you really need to sing?"

Alex pretended to think about it for a moment before his face broke out into a beaming grin. "I think there's only one song we can go with. What about Don't Stop Believin' by Journey? It's an obvious karaoke classic, and it always gets the crowd going," Alex said as he looked around the room. "Although I don't think we have to worry about it."

"I think that's a perfect choice," Harper said with a nod. "We'll be the best duet partners ever! We are going to make this so fun."

The two approached the stage, signaling to the karaoke host that they had a song and informed him of their selection. He gave a knowing smile and nodded. When the group before them was finished and they shuffled off the stage, Harper and Alex took their places, giving each other matching smiles. Soon, the all-too familiar starting notes of the song started to play, echoing throughout the room. Harper and Alex took turns belting out the iconic lyrics, including dramatic choreography of air guitars and drums as they sang. Neither of them could say that they matched harmonies well, neither of them particularly good singers, but they were having far too much fun to care.

The energy in the bar was infectious, the crowd whooping and cheering and singing along with Alex and Harper. It helped drown out their awful singing, and Harper had to suppress a giggle when she realized maybe that's why everyone had decided to join them in singing. Then again, as she looked out at the crowd and noticed how many people were dancing just as dramatically as she and Alex were, maybe not. When the song reached its end, the two were met with loud applause and cheers.

Harper turned to Alex with a playful gleam in her eyes when she realized there was no one lined up to come onto the stage next. "Should we do an encore? Or should we choose another song?"

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