Chapter Six: 11 PM

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The shiny exterior entry way of The Museum of Modern Art, or MoMA as most knew it, was lit up with bright white lights. A row of red-ribboned safety barriers was lined up along the sidewalk with people waiting, talking quietly amongst themselves in the otherwise still loud city. The inside entrance of the museum was flashing different colors and the hint of music could be heard from outside. It reminded Alex and Harper of the event they had left earlier but significantly more subdued. Refined, even.

"Oh," Harper said softly as she peered past the people outside so that she could look into the museum. There were people milling about inside, chatting happily with each other, and she turned to someone nearby. "Excuse me, what's going on? Museum isn't usually open this late."

"Whole fourth floor is open extra late tonight," the man she had spoken to said. "Some special event to do with Andy Warhol." The man jerked a thumb over at the entrance and the line of people. "They're still selling tickets, I think."

"Oh," Harper repeated as she looked up at the museum. She wasn't sure exactly what the event was for, but the allure of being in the museum so late sounded enjoyable. "That sounds fun."

Alex hesitated for a moment, searching Harper's face and then looking over at the museum before, he made a suggestion which surprised even himself.

"Do you want to go?" Alex asked, wondering if he had said the wrong thing when Harper looked at him in alarm.

"Oh, no," Harper said, shaking her head. "It's late, and I really should get home" She continued to try and insist that she didn't want to go, but Alex couldn't deny the look of longing on her face.

"Come on," Alex said, jerking his head towards the back of the line. "What about all that talk about being in an improvised dance? We don't have to stay long."

"And what if the price is astronomical? It's the City. You know how pricey these things can get."

"Then I'll cover it and we can worry about it later."

"What if I want to pay for it?"

"Then you're welcome to," Alex said. "But I think traditionally the man pays for the first date," he added. He cursed himself inwardly the moment the words left his lips as Harper looked back at him in confusion. A look of disbelief briefly flashed across her face before one of amusement took its place.

"A date, huh?" Harper asked, looking over at the museum entrance and then back at Alex as she crossed her arms. "Is that what this is?"

"I, uhm..." Alex trailed off, running his hands through his hair and letting out a yelp of surprise as Harper grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the line. "I suppose I'm paying?" Alex asked a hint of bemusement in his voice.

"You offered!" Harper said with a smile, looping her arm around Alex's and resting her head on his shoulder. "And I will never pass up a trip to the museum."

Good to know, Alex thought to himself, trying to ignore the feel of Harper on his arm. He wasn't expecting her to be quite so warm, though he probably should have figured considering just how nice she felt in his arms that morning. He wasn't sure if the sudden heat he felt was from the fact he had a very severe crush on Harper or if it was the fact her body was just that warm.

Perhaps it was a combination of both.

The line moved quickly, and Alex and Harper were granted entrance into the museum. Though the event was scheduled for late night and tickets were being sold, they had less than an hour to peruse the fourth floor. Luckily with such late entry, the tickets came with a steep discount, although Alex was positive he would have paid anything to see Harper continue to smile the way that she was.

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