I looked around the place. This was indeed a very beautiful house. Where are his parents I wonder....

Then my eyes fall upon one of those popular girls and I saw she was looking at me , more like giving me death stairs. I was sitting on the side of the couch and Jacob was beside me.

When my eyes caught her she said something that I couldn't understand but by the looks I'm pretty sure what was it . I seriously don't know what her problem is ?

Like why the hell they always try to pick at me ? Well guess I just have to ignore them throughout my whole year.

" Excuse me , I need to use the wash room. " I said and Nat showed me the way . It's her second time coming here so she was familiar with this place.

I follow the instructions . I finished my business , took a few minutes to check myself on the mirrors and did a little touch ups . I was just about to walk out from there but then a voice stopped me ...

" Watch it Aria ... You are playing too far." and without any surprises it's her.
I don't even remember her name .

" Sorry ? " I said not understanding what she was talking about.

" I know what you are doing " she was literally now getting on my nerves.

" Excuse me ? I think you have a wrong assumption about me . " I'm trying to be nice here. I don't wanna attract trouble.

" Stay away from Jacob !" she said and then walked pass me .. pushing me on the process.

I stumbled but thankfully I regained my balance. Gosh I really hate wearing heels. But my 5 foot self requires me to wear it or I would be invisible.

This freaking girl! ... If it's not for the promise I made to teddy I would have punched her face .
Last time , I said to myself . If again she did something stupid I am going to give her a proper medicine.

I huffed as I walked back where my friends are.

" What happened? You are looking upset. " as soon as I reached Jacob asked.

" Nothing just some useless people. What's her name again who's always flying arround you ?" I can't help but to show my frustration.

" Bianca ? .. What did she do ?" he asked frowning.

" Assuming things. Again " I spat out .

" This fu*king bi*ch ! " Nat was about to go for her blood but I stopped her holding her hand so she stayed seated . I don't want dramas .

" No Nat . Leave it . She's just dululu ... "
I said .

" let's not spoil our mood .. come on girls, let's dance . " Nathen said and both me and Nat looked at eachother. Me with a pleading look and she with a mischievous one. And without saying anything I was dragged , well not literally.

I gulped down my drink in one go . The drink .. well it now tasted funny a bit but it gave me a sudden confidence. I started to feel the rhythm as I felt myself dancing to the beats ...oh nuggets, that's my favourite song.

Author's pov;-

As night fell Aria and Nat was enjoying themselves fully . She wasn't that drunk but just a little tipsy. Cody informed about her status to his boss as well and got the order to get them home safe .

It was already 12:30 when they decided it's enough for today. Natalia and her were done as they said their good buys to the boys and took their belongings .

Aria had taken off her heels and was now holding them as they got inside the car .

The ride was silent as both the girls were tired and was drifting off . Cody was at the driver seat. Driving them back home .

" Good night bubbles . Take care ." within 20 minutes they reached Nataliya's place.

" I will . You too. Good night " Aria said as she watched her go inside her house.

The journey was all peaceful . There wasn't much traffic at that hour.

Then suddenly cody noticed something unusual.

He thought maybe it was just him being paranoid but when he took a few turns and that car was still following them .
He understood what was happening . He didn't waste any time and started driving fast .

" What happened..?" Ariya asked panicked , she realised they were going towards the other direction as the car speed up .

" Ma'am .. our car has been followed ." he said and focused on driving .

' Not this again.' she closed her eyes and started to concentrate on her breathing .
The flashbacks of that horrible incident came rushing back as she felt herself getting a panic attack.

Cody pulled out his gun as he saw another car came behind.

Aria's pov;-

God why this is happening again !? I felt that familiar fear came rushing back. I tried to focus on my breathing. The last thing I want now is being in a state where I couldn't even do anything if something happened.

I hold on to my seatbelt as our car speeds up to those unfamiliar roads on this dark lonely night. I don't know where we are going but I just have to trust Cody . I heard him talking to someone. Probably others. Wh-waht should I do? ..

" Shit ." ....

Then I heard a gun shot. Then another one and it goes on .

No no no no ..I never heard it before and it terrified me . I can't describe the fear that overwhelmed my veins hearing that . I suddenly felt dizzy.

I watched as Cody was firing as he continued driving. But then it shoots our back tyres and suddenly the car comes to a hult .

I was now holding my ears trying to stop the noise as it continued firing.

God this wasn't happening.. this .. I tried hiding myself but I know what was happening. Thoughts were invading my mind . what if they find me ? What if this time they really got me . Am I going to die ? .. Teddy ..
Suddenly it's so difficult for me to breat . I struggled to catch my breath. My heart was pounding furiously. The gun shots scared me more than I realized.

I couldn't concentrate on what was happening around me but suddenly my side of the door was harshly opened and I closed my eyes......

To be continued......

Hello loves . Hope everyone is doing good.
So what's going to happen next ?

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