15. Norin's Communicator

Start from the beginning

"What the fucking hell was that for, Surita?!" he demanded in a rasping whisper.

"That, Zura, was for not heeding me," she replied calmly. "Now go back to your bed and try to sleep. You won't be any use to anybody at any time if you're such a blubbering mess."

That opened his eyes wide and his jaw dropped. Trust Mithra to speak her mind at just the right moments.

Slowly, he nodded and began to shuffle back to his bed.


He turned around, the shock still evident.

She had a determined smile on her face. "We'll get her back." She winked.

A few minutes later, he still couldn't sleep.

Then, just as he was about to give up, memories flooded his mind—of his home in Ze, his childhood and growing up with Mithra, his parents laughing and playing, his sister ruffling his head whenever she quizzed him and he gave right answers.

A smile began to twist his face to a more pleasant expression. "Thank you, Mithra," he muttered.

He only heard a grunt in response, before he fell asleep.


That evening, Ayesha decided to go for a walk.

She saw many different kinds of flowers, many of which she had never seen at home. She was used to roaming around all over the palace grounds; and when she wanted to go beyond, into the kingdom and among the common folk, her father had always advised her to disguise herself, to avoid recognition.

Tears threatened to prick at her eyes at the memories that suddenly rushed into her mind, but she pushed them away; she had no time to worry about it now. She had to gather her wits about her and try to find the Door of Andrios, like Yela Ashisha had warned her. Winter would be hovering over Ahala and she had a few weeks' time to reach home...

She froze. 'Does Time here in this world flow the same as on Ahala?' she wondered. 'If yes, then I suppose I'm fine, but if it doesn't...' She took a deep breath, willing herself to move on. 'I hope I won't be too late...' She thought of the boy who kept appearing in her dreams. 'Is he going to help me out? Is that way I'm keep seeing him? Or, or...' She gulped. 'Maybe some sort of a bond...? No, I'm not a mage, I couldn't possibly have a bond with – but wait, what did Yela Ashisha say—that I have magic and that's what protects me from being cursed? What is that even supposed to mean?'

She finally arrived at the spot she had followed the rabbit to and shot Cecil. She sighed, glad that he seemed to be recovering quite fast.

'So, from here... where? Where had I originally arrived?' She looked around her, but everything seemed alike—all the trees, birds, bushes...

She sighed yet again. 'At this rate, I'll never find that spot. I should've marked it or something.' She closed her eyes and joined her hands at her chest, under her chin. 'Oh gods of Ahala, oh Miova, oh Clet – help me find my way back to my home. Ahala needs me and I have unknowingly abandoned it. Please forgive me. I –' She stopped praying and her eyes flew open, her breath ragged. A flash of silver streaked past her vision, rising her heart rate.

"Ayesha, is that you?" a male voice spoke to her in her head. Though it wasn't a voice she heard every day, she would always pick it up anywhere, even on another world, dozens of skies away from the very spot she had first heard it. Her heart skipped a beat to hear it, like it always did whenever she heard it, even in her own head when she was alone in her room at home.

The Quest for Normania #1: The Door of AndriosWhere stories live. Discover now