Whispers Of The Heart

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"Look, I don't want a valuable life lesson right now, I just want an ice cream"


While Emery Rose is the definition of sunshine that captivates the attention of her peers, Grayson Lockhart lives in the shadow, keeping his distance from everyone one.

Especially her.

They were once friends, best friends, but now he couldn't seemed to stand the sight of Emery, leading her to believe that he hated her for her newfound popularity.

Little does she know that Grayson is hiding a secret that weighed heavily on his heart.

Despite Grayson's intentions to remain distant, destiny has its own plan for them. Fate intervenes, unexpectedly reuniting them, giving them a chance to rekindle their friendship.

And Emery starts to suspect that there is more to Grayson's withdrawal than she initially assumed...

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