Chapter 5- Evalin

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Evalin could have slapped herself. She couldn't believe what she was doing. That she was going on a walk with a complete stranger. Is it a date?
NO! No, this is most definitely not a date. Evalin thought to herself.
After all, she had to get home. Her parents unquestionably knew she was missing by now and it would be a good bet that they had already contacted all of their friends. Sartaq and Nesryn, Dorian, Manon, Ansel and Ilias. They may have already contacted their cousins in Doranelle, too.
Evalin gazed at the beautiful male before her, the male she felt so drawn to. She knew she had to return home, she wanted to return home, but there was just something about this male.
"So what do you do?" Nyx asked her.
"What do you mean?" she questioned.
"Well if you're uncle's the king, you probably do not need to have a job," he began. "So what do you do?"
Evalin looked into his piercing violet gaze, considered. His eyes were warm and welcoming and she had a primal feeling inside of her that she would always be safe with him. She let out a soft smile, the first of the day that reached her eyes.
Nyx's eyes widened fractionally and his grin broadened, as if he noticed that small change within her. It made Evalin feel like she was actually noticed by someone.
"I train a lot. I study the art of battle with my mother, my father, and quite a few of my aunts and uncles," Evalin didn't know why she carried on with the lie, she wanted to tell him who she was. "I used to attend lessons with a governess, but I've been finished for a couple years. Now in my free time I visit my friends in other countries and I read a lot. What do you do?"
While Nyx was explaining how he was an artist and what he liked to do with his siblings, Evalin surveyed where they had paused their walk. They stood on a bridge overlooking the river and the city beyond. The moon and stars glinted off of the river, creating a flowing constellation of stars. The lights of the city reflected all around them and Evalin had to admit that she was in awe of the beauty surrounding her.
While Orynth is her home and she will love it always and forever, there is just something about this city that calls to her. She never wants to leave.
Evalin figured she must have been staring for a while because she hadn't even noticed Nyx had stopped speaking until he began again.
"Pretty, isn't it?"
Evalin whispered, not wanting to break the sanctity of the moment, "Astonishing, more like."
Nyx remained silent. A few moments later, he lightly gripped her elbow and turned her to face him, "Do you trust me?"
Evalin merely nodded and stayed still as he swept her up tenderly into his arms.
"What are you doing?"
His reply was cut off as they blasted into the atmosphere. Evalin shrieked and buried her face into his chest.
She could feel his gravelly voice ring through her as he whispered, "Open your eyes, Princess."
She did. Evalin was in utter awe of the world around them. No words could describe the beauty.
She was in Nyx's arms as he smoothly glided over the water. It gleamed with the light of the stars and the moons and the light from the city. The beautiful City of Starlight. Confused, she looked around to figure out how they were flying, to lock her eyes on wings of glorious onyx.
"Oh!" she exclaimed in awe as she reached out a finger to stroke one of Nyx's wings.
He hissed through clenched teeth and she pulled her hand back. "I'm sorry!"
"Oh, it doesn't hurt, Evalin." his gravelly voice made its way through her.
"Then why did you hiss?" she questioned.
Nyx wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and Evalin gasped.
"Really?!" she exclaimed and he nodded with a naughty smile on his face.
Evalin blushed profusely, then settled back in his arms, not breaking her eyes away from the beauty attached to his back.
Nyx guided them across the river and then flew higher, above the clouds. The lights of the city could be seen shining through the clouds below and the lights of the stars could be seen above.
Evalin felt like she was in heaven. And she never wanted to leave. Memories flashed through her mind of her family and her friends and her past lovers. None of those people ever made her feel. But being in Nyx's arms in that moment felt real and it felt right. Evalin felt more loved and at home in the sky than she ever did on the land. It felt like she was molded to fit perfectly in Nyx's arms as he flew her through the night.
A yip of joy pushed itself out of Evalin's throat and she felt completely and utterly at peace. She looked into Nyx's eyes to show him her elation, and in them, she found a warm look that she could not quite identify. As if his eyes were pulling her into him.
Evalin wondered if she was feeling butterflies as a tug pulled against her rib, almost as if a string was connecting her to the exquisite male with arms around her.
She dragged her eyes up to his alluring violet eyes, which seemed to speak to her.
Did you feel that, they seemed to say.
Evalin nearly nodded, but prevented herself to not seem completely crazy.
She cleared her throat, "Nyx, I have so enjoyed this outing, and you're family seems lovely," she paused. "But I have to get home. My family is probably worried sick."
And preparing to go to war, she thought to herself.
Nyx's bright eyes seemed to dim. "Of course. Let's head back to my home and we'll help you on your way."
Evalin had no idea what was happening. It was as if her heart was purring in the presence of this male. The thought of leaving him and his beautiful land almost physically ached, but she had to shake herself out of this feeling. Her family not only needed her, but loved her. She knew they had to be terrified for her wellbeing.
Nyx flew Evalin back over the river he had called 'The Sidra' and then over the area of town he loved so much, 'The Rainbow,' before landing on the porch of his house, high up past all of the stairs. Evalin did not take for granted the short minutes she had to admire this world which she may never see again. Nor did she hesitate to admire the male holding her.
Without a word, Nyx set Evalin on her own two legs, which wobbled at first. He then opened the front door for her and followed her into his entryway.
"This way, Princess." he said.
Again with that name!
Evalin thought to herself how weird it was that he obviously didn't know who she was, yet he continuously called her 'Princess.' She wondered if it meant something to him.
He led her down a long and dark hallway, with walls lined in paintings. He paused at the end of the hall to send her a small smile before opening the last door on the left which led into a sitting room... where his whole family was waiting.
"Time for you to leave already, Evalin?" Feyre questioned as she stood and walked over to the pair.
"Unfortunately so. I'm afraid my family will reap chaos until they find me," she joked. "I want to thank you so much for your kindness. I appreciate the help."
Feyre merely offered a warm smile before pulling Evalin into a tight embrace. "Anything for a friend of my son."
Evalin stiffened. Were they friends? Something in her grew angry at that term but she didn't quite know why. She trusted Nyx completely for only knowing him for a couple of hours.
"Thank you so much, Rhysand." Evalin said before sending a gracious smile around the room.
He dipped his chin in a nod.
"Well, girl? Care to create a portal?"
Evalin gulped. She had promised she would never show anyone what her Uncle Dorian had taught her to do. What are strangers in another world going to do?
She convinced herself she would be fine and then asked for a knife, which the male with the shadows handed her instantly.
Evalin sliced her palm open and then dipped her fingers into her own blood. She drew the Wyrdmarks that would create a portal and then turned to Nyx.
"It was so lovely to meet you. I can only pray we meet again someday."
Nyx visibly swallowed, his cheek twitching, as he nodded to Evalin.
Without another word, she turned and stepped into the swirling portal.
And as it was closing, Nyx sprinted into it.
Before anyone knew what had happened, the two heirs were gone

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