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For those of you that have been supporting me and the growth of my story, my parents and friends, I thank you for watching my little hobby become a passion. This 2024 I will be taking Writing seriously and become a proper author. I cannot say when I'll publish again and it most likely won't be my Demi series since I'll be trying to be an agented author. I also thank those who were brave enough to give me feedback on my story and tell me where I was lacking. Because of y'all I'm confident that my story will be a definite hit in the publishing industry. 

I'll be unpublishing all my stories here and on other platforms. I'm grateful for all this platform has done for experience wise and will be looking forward for the day you guys see me in writing Cons and other writing events. Make sure to look out for the Name Lolli Poppins

Until we meet again my friends.

Sincerely yours
Lolli Poppins

I've been running this account alongside my red headed friend Skylar. Just wanted to thank her for her support on the days when I couldn't write.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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