Chapter 9: How To Spend The Time

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Heya guys! I just wanted to apologize for the delay, but I'm in the middle of my finals, and it's starting to feel like my ✨final week✨. Hope you can forgive me. Bye for now!



The night was uneventful.

Scarlet spent it on her phone, listening to music or by holding a conversation with Sky. Every once in a while she glanced at the two kids sleeping in between her and Jane.

Both of them seemed calm.

Scarlet honestly expected Eri to wake up at least once - maybe she didn't usually have nightmares?

The time neared the 'witching hour', as the moons light seeped through the blocked windows, illuminating bits and pieces of the room that it landed upon.

It was quiet inside and outside - not even cars passed by; was the curfew still in place maybe?

How long has it been since they left? Few months at most. Maybe they didn't lift it in case they'd appear again?

Good thinking

Scarlet quietly hummed a small tune that came to mind, when she got interrupted.

'That asshole will come after us, won't he?'

Skylers voice echoed in her mind with little-to-no amount of concern, more-so with a hint of annoyance.

For them, he was just a little fly - a nuisance and a waste of space and good oxygen.

A small smirk made it's way on Scarlets lips.

'He can certainly try...' she chuckled to herself as violent images painted themselfs in her mind, imagining all the possible beautiful ways how she would make him bleed and beg for her mercy.

'He'll find out what's waiting for him'

''re destroying the furniture'

'Hm?' She looked down at what Sky meant, only to see her nails digging into the arm rest, showing the fluffy pieces of stuffing.

"Shit" she mumbled, swiping her hand over it as if that was gonna magically repair the damage.

"What did the couch do to you?" Scarlet turned to her left, only to see Jane lazily stare at her, still half asleep. The red haired womans shoulders moved with a small laugh, before shaking her head, looking at the five puncture holes. Poking at one of them with her pointer finger, she noticed Sally lean onto her arm, still sound asleep, Mr. D squished in her hold. Eri followed the action and now leaned fully on Sally, her forehead resting on the other girls shoulder.

"I was just thinking"

"About what?"

''Nothing interesting''

The brunette let out a hum, her head turning to look forward, the moment turning into comfortable silence as both of them stared at the cabinet where the TV was supposed to be - the said object was missing, probably the work of some burglar.

''What time is it?''  Scarlet checked her phone.

''Ten minutes 'till 4AM''

Jane nodded, scanning over the duo between them, a small smile making it's way onto her features.

''What's the plan for today?''


"So, since Eri doesn't have any spare clothes, someone will have to make a trip to the mall"

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